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  1. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    I went to the farmer market to look around. $100 later....
  2. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Went on my annual girls weekend. A bunch of us rent a cottage and make a long weekend of it. Such a relaxing weekend of self care
  3. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Tomorrow is the start of indoor soccer season. So my afternoon will be all soccer soccer soccer. I have to get a new run door built before the snow though, so I guess I'm doing that tomorrow too
  4. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Had coffee, washed the floors, gonna make burgers for lunch (the boy's request) and then final indoor soccer game today
  5. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Ugh fricken daylight savings
  6. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    The month kind of got away from me. I didn't buy any pumpkins either :oops:
  7. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Last weekend I was at the cottage for annual Girls' Weekend. Today I have to decorate for Halloween - yes I'm a last minuter - and then do some outside chores. And take the boy to soccer
  8. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

  9. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Getting this &@<%ing HC finished so my %@^&ing coop is finally be done
  10. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Gonna harvest my potatoes today. And going to a friend's for a swim. This afternoon
  11. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Finally made it to the caves today!
  12. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Whelp, caves are a no go. The area is closed off due to all the tress down in the area. Oh well :confused:
  13. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Sunday wasn't much of a fun day since we had no power until about 4pm. But today is a holiday so we're going cave exploring today instead of yesterday
  14. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Normally on Sunday I sleep in, because like Azure it's the one day I don't have to wake up for anything in particular. It's usually a pretty chill day of relaxing and puttering around the house. Today I'm having my immediate family over for a mother's day BBQ
  15. MACCanadianCoop

    Sunday Funday

    Moving is exciting, but also the worst. I loathe packing/unpacking, but being in a new place is fun!
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