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  1. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    Yesterday was hatch day. First one hatched out Sunday evening, the rest hatched during the day yesterday and last night. Today I decided to pull the ones that haven't hatched and candle them. Out of the 11 eggs she still had under her by day 21, there were only 3 that haven't hatched by today. I...
  2. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    Day 16 and still going well, she was off the nest yesterday for some food and water briefly and then back on again before I had a chance to check her eggs for any outliers. Five days to go. I have high hopes that she will be able to hatch at least half of her dozen eggs that she is setting on...
  3. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    It is now day 11. This barred rock hen was getting off the eggs every day for treats for an hour or so, or at least every other day. But now she has not been off the nest for the last 3 days. I offered her some water today, but she was not interested. I had to move her to a different nesting...
  4. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    Well, that RIR hen gave up and abandoned the eggs, but then one of my barred rock hens decided she wanted to give it a shot. Monday she started setting on eggs, so I left her with some eggs, and gave her some additional eggs, which she accepted. Tuesday and Wednesday she was off the nest getting...
  5. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    This hen has been giving me fits. She was off the nest two days straight, so I took all the eggs, an even dozen. Then, yesterday, she was back on again, doing her broody thing again, all fluffed up and growling at me when I was gathering the eggs. Again today, same thing. One of the eggs was out...
  6. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    Well today when I went to gather eggs the same hen was sitting on her eggs all fluffed up like a beach ball. She is growling at me. I think she is getting serious. Yesterday when I checked on her in the afternoon she had joined the rest of the flock out foraging in the yard, so I took some of...
  7. D

    Is she considering going broody?

    One of my RIR hens wouldn't let me have her eggs this morning when I was gathering eggs. When I went back later she was still sitting there. I stuck a couple more fertile eggs under her, hoping that maybe that will encourage her to stay there. I lost one of my RIR hens a few weeks ago when she...
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