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  1. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    This morning she seems lethargic still. Refusing to extend her neck. I posted in the emergency section. Perhaps she did get grabbed by a fox, by the neck, and got away. Or would this possibly be shock/stress related?
  2. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    Will get her sugar water in the morning. I it her back in the coop and she's been on the roost bar. Had to go to work. But my parents have a bunch they use for their bees.
  3. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    I just realized how appropriate your screen name is. LOL. My baby is back!!!! At least one of the 3. Now with only one missing I'm hoping they did just wander and not follow a predator into the woods.
  4. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    My Easter Egger "Chives" literally just popped up. She's had a rough time. I live just out of Clarksville, TN. She survived the tornado weather in the woods. She is all puffed up from being cold. Very lethargic. Seems traumatized. But she doesn't have any injuries that I can see. OMG. I'm so...
  5. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    My grandmother told me the lady down the road a bit had 3 hens taken by foxes this last week. She has it on her cameras. So it appears they are cleaning out the neighborhood.
  6. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    I believe I know where the foxes den at. If my two girls don't show up tomorrow I'm going to take a look around there for any evidence. They should be under an old shed by a hill of blackberry bushes. If the girls didn't get caught I really want them to get back because we're in a severe...
  7. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    I know of 3 in the area. I believe two are the mom and dad. But they haven't been seen as of the last couple months. We did see a coyote on the cams when the foxes stopped being seen. We're unsure if they were forced out or not. I'm hoping the other two turn up tomorrow. If not I have to figure...
  8. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    Thing about the foxes is they normally move through before 7am. I don't let the chickens out till close to 9am. I'm kicking myself for not having trail cams set up to see what happened
  9. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    The crows are pretty good at keeping the hawk away. I imagine if the hawk got one it wouldn't have been still flying around fighting crows.
  10. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    One did return. Not sure where the other two are. Hopefully close by.
  11. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Chickens M.I.A.

    Update: The Rhode Island Red returned, but no clue where the other two are. Hoping they decided to roost in a tree. I have 3 ladies missing in action right now. Normally I let them out in the morning for a few hours. They never wander off the property. I am on 5 acres of mostly wooded hilly...
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