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  1. chiqita


    What is it with men and impossible things? MY husband is alwasy sending email listings for free llamas and emus.. dude there is a REASON they are free.......
  2. chiqita


    Are they a type of oegb? I have not heard of black rosecomb as a breed sounds like a color and type?
  3. chiqita


    Hey check your local fish and game you might need a permit for gambles.
  4. chiqita


    ahh! well I hope she finds something, I know she was asking for ducklings, hope she finds some for her broodie! If not someone will yell at me I'm sure.
  5. chiqita


    I'm coming to orange county over Christmas and could bring french muscovy eggs down. No ducklings however. But I think I might have told you that in another site.. or there is a score rush in so cal!
  6. chiqita


    Oz do you still want quail? We will be down Christmas Eve day but sounds like you are gone by then.
  7. chiqita


    Super secret fluffy chicks!
  8. chiqita


    If they stink look into ic. That is not treatable :(
  9. chiqita


    It can be a LOT of things. Is there any smell involved? Also any breathing noises or crust on the nose? If there is no smell and no lung or nasel involvement and it is not eye worms you can treat with eye drops. If there is kight nasal or breathin g you can use la 200 . If it sounds respitory...
  10. chiqita


    Welcome! Also post an ad in the animals in need of free rehoming section for your roo it might help.
  11. chiqita


    If it comes sexed its from a hatchery . if its from a hatchery its an ee. There are a lot of long explanations for that but that is the tldr answer! My first 2 chickens are hatchery ee . they lay huge blue eggs and they are so funny!
  12. chiqita


    Hello! Costa mesa is a great place! Glad to know they allow chickens now!
  13. chiqita


    You can't free range them. They have no home sense. This info is for cots. California and new world quail require permits and can be a pita in the us. Definitely try them they are fun! Rup rup!!
  14. chiqita


    Quail are great birds for in the city. They are legal most places and good apartment birds. And they boys are not banned!
  15. chiqita


    Yeah quails need pens. They have no sense of home. As long as they have enough space somewhere to rest their feet and sand baths they seem happy. Dust bathing and chasing each other in circles and sitting in containers are their main hobbies.
  16. chiqita


    Quail can get sick off chicken poo so don't put them on the ground. I have my coop off the ground in a covered pen with my breese the breese eat the spilled feed.
  17. chiqita


    Quails are also big scientific research birds! they do a lot of vaccine testing on quail eggs. I love cots.
  18. chiqita


    ahh so its just another name for japanese cots? I had never heard them called russian before. Someone called them feral quail before and that got me too. ty!
  19. chiqita


    In soviet russia, quail google you?
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