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  1. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Update...thinking this will be my last post on Hennedy's prolapse. 😁 (Boy, I hope I didn't just jinx myself!) She is out and about today, scratching away, with the rest of the girls. Everything is staying where it should be. 😉 She must have dust bathed yesterday in a container of sand and wood...
  2. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Update: soaked Hennedy in epsom salt for about 20 minutes. Applied antibiotic ointment and castor oil. This time, I could actually feel that there was a scab that was lifting. (It was the spot that I was concerned was poop that I couldn't get clean.) I carefully removed the scab, working slowly...
  3. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Hennedy's crop was empty this morning. I checked it a little bit ago, and compared to others in the flock, there is not much in it. She didn't touch her scrambled eggs nor the meal worms. Lately, when I see her pecking at her feed, she seems to be just tossing it around, rarely picking anything...
  4. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Will do! Thank you so much!!
  5. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    I believe I will need to start treating her for sour crop. I checked it tonight - It's not very full, but what I do feel in it feels like a squishy water balloon. 🙄😞 I will begin treatment in the morning as directed the article by @azygous .... I have read that many, many times.
  6. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Update: I gave Hennedy another epsom salt soaking and calcium citrate with Vitamin D3. I treated her with hydrocortisone, coconut oil, castor oil, followed up with the sugar water mixture. I then soaked some cotton in witch hazel, and held it to her bottom for about 5 minutes. The tissue stayed...
  7. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Thank you... I tend to get paralyzed with all of the info I read on the Internet, so I keep searching and searching for a definitive answer. I need to remind myself that sometimes there's many solutions, and it's not always "one size fits all." I just don't want to overlook things that I am not...
  8. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Good to know about the lighting! I chuckled at myself thinking, "Well, duh, it's not a magical switch! Lights on = egg; lights off = no egg. Ta-daaa! Now for my next trick...." :pop
  9. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Hennedy seems to be still doing well...except her poor butt. I will soak her today. After, I will apply some ointment and help the tissue back inside. Then I will use a cotton pad soaked with witch hazel on the area with hopes that she will be able to keep the tissue inside. I have the...
  10. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Thank you for the info and the links! Having the visual of a chicken being able to swallow a frog puts things in perspective! 😳😂
  11. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Well, Hennedy fished out all of the rice I had sprinkled in her electrolyte-fueled water. She's been scratching around at her feed and scrambled eggs, too. She also laid an egg! Yay!! A nice solid egg! It does have a bit of blood on it. I have noticed that on a couple of eggs over the past...
  12. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    One other thing...the video you shared with @Dianekw was so intense and informative!! It also made me aware that the egg can be within tissue that comes out of a hen's body. The other night, a ball-like form of tissue came out of her, and I worried that it was another egg. I checked and double...
  13. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Good to know about how the appearance of how the tissue can look...I was worried that if I couldn't get it clean enough, I shouldn't put it back in due to causing infection. I will continue to clean and apply oil to keep it moist. Should I NOT try to put it back in? The sugar water I made has...
  14. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    She is on a layer's mix from our local feedmill, and I do ferment some of it since it seems to just go to waste (mostly the powdery remnants that the birds leave in the bottom of the feeder). They get that about 3 times a week. They have a container of oyster shells and grit available at all...
  15. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    I am tagging the wonderful people who have helped me with past issues...I hope that is OK! @azygous @Allsfairinloveandbugs @TropicalChickies @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @Kiki
  16. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    This is what caused me concern...I thought it was vent gleet until I trimmed away her feathers.
  17. Chopper923

    Questions about prolapse vent

    Hello all! I have a 10-month-old Leghorn with a prolapsed vent. Last night I was able to help her expell a rubbery egg! What I've done so far: * separated her from flock and placed her in quiet garage with low light; * soaked her in epsom salt baths for 20 minutes 3 times; * trimmed away...
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