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  1. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    Okay! Update!! So when I got back, I looked and found out that she had broken her humerus. I didn’t take any pictures of the broken wing, which was stupid now that I think of it, but with help of some friends (neither knew squat about poultry much less quail) and the internet, I figured I better...
  2. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    Okay I’m back home now, I’ve gotten her out of her cage and put her into a bowl in my sink and I’m going to CVS soon to get hydrogen peroxide and/saline solution and some silver wound gel. Her wing is stuck to her feathers with blood and I don’t quite know how to clean that off so I can get a...
  3. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    I was shaking when I handled her this morning, so I don't know the exacts, but I believe she broke the upper part of her wing. I don't know if it was a clean break; I'll have to check when I get home. I'll definitely check out the post you made about your queen of the flock, I'm sure it'll help...
  4. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    I've been caring for a lone corturnix quail recently, it was the only egg to hatch out of 6 last eggs of my dead flock. She was lonely but she was doing well! Last night, I cleaned her home up for the first time in her life; she was previously living in our garage so her hutch was wet and...
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