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  1. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    lol I thought you were being sarcastic, like directing it HARSHLY
  2. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Aren’t mockingbirds fantastic? I have crows too, and it’s just a pis*ing match between the mockingbirds and crows. And a flock of cardinals that sit on my porch watching the show lol I didn’t know they’d go after a fox! Feisty little things aren’t they.
  3. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    @RoyalChick did you know mocking birds will attack hawks?? I sure didn’t. But I saw it with my own eyeballs!
  4. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Update: confirmed roosters are indeed awesome! So me and my gals are outside, and hear rando rooster wailing, ordinarily is just cock a doodle do, but this was a wail/scream crow. I thought he was being culled, or on fire or something. My girls starting screaming running directly to their coop...
  5. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Thank you so much!!!
  6. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    lol right. I meant did Kong lend a “helping hand” with those eggs. Those eggs are beautiful, so dark brown! Name your price!! Obviously not for ALL those beauties, I’d like to stay married, my husband kills the spiders. Seriously if you ever want to sell a few please let me know. I’d love to...
  7. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Omg are those Kongs and Kings?
  8. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    All these generational chickens is so awesome!
  9. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Oh my goodness!! Look at that comb (the first pic)! You seriously have some great looking birds! And 2 flocks, I’m sooo envious. They all look so happy and that rooster looks so proud!
  10. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Omg that is so awesome! How do you do separate flocks? I’ve read about ppl doing it, but have no clue how that works. I would LOVE to have more than one rooster!
  11. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Oh wow Kong and King are gorgeous!! What’s the cockerels name? Breed and age? I’m curious and trying to learn.
  12. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    I had to look up that breed. This is my first year as a chicken owner, I’m still learning. Hops is gorgeous!
  13. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Ohhh he is beautiful! What breed? How old? What’s his name?
  14. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    My oldest girls are 7-8 weeks, so I have to wait a bit before I even know what that is. I’ve got a murder of crows at least 16, 3 mocking bird nests going on, 2 bluejay nests, and don’t get me started on the cicadas! The way I see it, any sounds my chickens make will blend right in lol. Spring...
  15. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    It’s nostalgic for me. I think crowing is comforting. Of course give my boy a month or two and I may be saying something different at 4 am lol
  16. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    See that’s what’s I’ve been saying! I love roosters. But everywhere I look online there’s so much rooster hate:( I know some can be “less than gentlemanly” but in general they’re just awesome!
  17. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Hi, I live in the country and about a 1/2-1 mile away from a neighbor who apparently has a rooster. I’ve heard him crow everyday for weeks. (I love a roosters crow so fine by me). Anyway, I put my RSL pullets outside full time about 5-6 days ago. And they loved the coop but were scared to go...
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