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  1. RadEggs

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I'm not realy talking about food as much as general health and illness.
  2. RadEggs

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I'm not saying they aren't chickens, I'm saying they have been bred to be so anatomically messed up they don't always work like other chickens. This makes me feel the information is semi unreliable.
  3. RadEggs

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Unrelated, but we literally can't take those studies on broilers as advice for non broilers. Their bodies are not like other chicken's bodies.
  4. RadEggs

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Esther ate a purple mushroom at the park (literally neon :rolleyes:) and she is fine still. She also regularly eats glass and plastic. And drinks mud. Somehow she is doing great...
  5. RadEggs

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Mine are bread feinds. Too much treats can be bad. And especially bread, so I try to not give it to them. Garlic just makes the eggs taste weird. But also the title is "What I Dont feed my chickens" so it is a personal thing.
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