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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    The scale broke. Quickly. But it would give volumes of milk and water based on weight.
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Yes. Cx here are similar. When I started the project, there were a lot of things I didn't know that I didn't know. The CX grandparent stock are still tightly controlled, and Cobb/Vantive (who sells them to commercial operations) has different guides specific to the "breeder" stock from the...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I'm one of those searching for a landrace. Its a long process.
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Oh, and here is Snow White, another ffspring of my stupid Cx hen. Hatchling Somewhat later. (about 9 1/2 weeks) and the Freezer camp report at almost 20 weeks.
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Here's the bird I bred. Here's one of the offspring (hanging from a scale) - unnamed smutty white hen. HUGE disappointment. /edit Correction, this is a grandchild of the Cx. Here's one of the male offspring - only one that seemed to gain size quickly. and I took another all white bird -...
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I bred a broiler. To another of my (non broiler) birds. Part of my culling project - and then spent the next several generations trying to get the Dominant White trait out -which proved persistent, unlike their early development and monster size genes.
  7. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Don't buy yogurt with saccharine, sucralose, splenda, etc. That's not reason to avoid yogurt, that's a choice to avoid artificial sugars (which aren't necessary anyways). Plain yogurt doesn't contain dyes. Nor does decent yogurt of any variety. Preservatives? Yogurt is itself a...
  8. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Waiting on an explanation. Please. Educate us.
  9. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    They are your birds, you can do whatever you want with them. The fact is, good nutrition is good nutrition, whether its provided by Agribusiness or a well designed polycultural pasture in season. For the vast majority of people, a quality commercial feed is superior nutrition, at much lower...
  10. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    She does this for dinner rolls. We hadn't considered doing it to make more gluten available for holding together whole wheat with seed breads. Thank you
  11. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I make my own pasta. I could no more go gluten free than I could swim across the Atlantic.
  12. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    ^^ there is truth to this. Of course, I like doritos, and I know how bad they are for me... and its HARD to make a nutritionally good bread. My wife makes sourdough. We've had the same starter for two decades plus now, its fair to say she's had some practice. Makes great white bread (or...
  13. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Happy to share what little I know. and I sometimes share bread (or excess sourdough starter) with my flock. Rarely, and in moderation. The occasional exception to the general rule isn't going to kill them. Its the persistent bread, scratch, and other low quality dietary substitutions which...
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Continuing... Carbs can be stored. Fat can be stored. Both generally as fat. A number of minerals and fat soluable vitamins can be stored against future shortage. You know what can't be stored? Protein. A chicken will use its daily protein intake for repair, for growth (if it is not yet...
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Rather than calling out the logical fallacy in the above, I'll illustrate. Bread has limited benefit, and to the extent it displaces other things in the diet, it is a net negative. Imagine if, you will, that you have a pocket full of quarters. That pocket full of quarters represents a full...
  16. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    They are still chickens. Those studies are much more applicable than not.
  17. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Others, sharing similar experiences. University of Delaware Oregon State University Penn State UM etc.
  18. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    ^^^ there is wisdom in this. Chickens with choices will generally NOT eat something to excess which is dangerous to them in the near term. They might nibble - they explore the world with their beaks after all - but for most things they will not consume to excess where superior alternatives are...
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Everybody Knows is almost certainly assurance that they don't, particularly in the internet age. As @Perris said above, sources please. "The Internet" is not a source. Its a trash pile that requires careful digging into, preferably with personal protective devices installed (firewall...
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