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  1. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    I have a random question which I haven't been very successful in finding the answer....... Out of curiosty , what happens if a hen and cockerel are related, will their eggs be fertile and what side effects are there to this?? I am not planning on trying it out but wondered if there were side...
  2. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Turns out its not mr fox, my husband saw buzzards having a field day with them yesterday anyone have any advise on what to do, although i may not have very many left now, so sad.
  3. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Their in my orchard, with electric fence currently count up to about 20+ varying from the old stock and new, even got my beefy cockerel (*******! The fox that is) to be fair tho some of them didn't help them selfs as i believe they had gone over the net, naughty! Don't think id be brave enough...
  4. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Gutted, one by one all my efforts of hatching my own and enjoying more eggs then ever is slowly becoming sad and as one would say what's the point, when mr fox is sneaking about and taking them one by one, gggrrrrr!
  5. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Does that mean your a farmer? Or just enjoy the farming land!? welcome to byc!
  6. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Thankyou for thinking of me but a friend has offered me a maran that she hatched.
  7. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    I'm not after bantams my bigger lot I'm sure would pick on them.
  8. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Not far from me, I'm live near Taunton!
  9. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    I currently have warrens, buff sussex and a cross between the two. I would like i think some light Sussex, welsummers or more warren's i need something friendly and don't mind being together, altho my warrens are in separate house and run. Are these good to have?
  10. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    I have my younger rooster which i reared but like you both say i have kept my distance he stays away from me even if I walk near, he seems to understand that I'm not taking his girls away where as the older one in separate area attacks you if you walk near the fence! So can any one give me...
  11. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Hello all, i am in need of a new cockerel but i feel it would be best to have one from a chick as then it will be used to me going in and out of hens, as mine at the moment brought from a market attacks me!! I currently have warrens and x buff Sussex. So looking for some eggs to incubate but not...
  12. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    This is a bit of a random question but does any one know if chicken have to be vaccinated to be able to sale? A friend would like some but don't want to get into trouble???
  13. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    :( i have lost 2 of my old birds, but my poorly chick out of the 10 that hatched is much stronger :D
  14. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    sorry no room, he looks a lovly chap tho, hope you find him a nice home. :)
  15. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Im in south west wales with 10 chickens 2 chihuahuas and 12 goldfish.[/quote lol, and do they all get on??!
  16. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    i think so....cant believe how many countries are on here, its amazing this Internet!
  17. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    thank you x
  18. MegB

    anyone in England ?

    Hello uk peoples, I'm in Devon, and all new to keeping chickens just had my first batch of eggs hatched and I'm hooked!
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