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  1. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    For those of you that have turkeys, there has been a recall on some turkey feed: Western Milling LLC Voluntarily Recalls Universal Turkey and Kruse G.B. Turkey Grower Feeds Because of Possible Health Risk to Animals...
  2. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well, we had a little surprise this today, my daughter just called to tell me that my two broody bantam cochins just hatched a baby chick this morning. I did not think these eggs were fertile. We bought these cochins over two months ago, and I placed them in a large dog crate with nesting box...
  3. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I just heard that Lees Summit, MO just passed the law last night for urban chickens! Sound like they will have very strict rules like where and what the coop can be made of etc, but the passed. Now my friends that want hens that don't live on acreage can get them as long as their HOA allows...
  4. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Josie, The best advice I ever got in searching for a pediatrician was to call your local hospital that has a maternity ward and ask to speak to a nurse in maternity. Ask them who they recommend. They know who the best doctors are!
  5. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi everybody, I have not been on for a while, so I need to go back to catch up. We had a very interesting hatch this weekend. I bought two bantam Cochin hens last month who were already laying. My daughter asked me if we could incubate their eggs after we had the a while, so we collected...
  6. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I hope those baby chicks are smart enough to come back out.
  7. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi Everybody! I wish it would stop raining. My duck house and coop were finally all cleaned up, dry and smelling as nice as a duck pen could smell, and the rain has come back! Last Friday morning I experienced flash flooding for the first time. I had to drive my kids to class and every...
  8. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Coming from the East Coast too, I am trying to learn as much as possible about this severe weather. I have joined the Emergency Preparedness Team at work to help protect our employees. I keep careful watch on the weather, and stay at home when possible - I am a big baby. Funny thing is...
  9. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    You know, personally, now that I have had silkies (and they do occasionally watch TV with us) - what is the difference between a chicken and a parrot???? At least the silkies cannot fly and they are much quieter. I think a rooster crowing is even quieter than the noises some of the parrots can...
  10. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Moving is very stressful, especially when it is a big distance and there are children and pets involved. Just to many things to worry about. I swear it took me a year to recover, even though it was a company transfer and my company did so much of it for us.
  11. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

  12. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I found three ticks on myself the other day. I hope this is not the beginning of a bad tick season. My TSC in Lees Summit had a poultry swap last weekend. I met quite a few local breeders that have been in the business for decades. I ended up with two cochin hens and a couple business cards...
  13. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks chickendanz and tweetybaby2005 about the sevin dust. Can we still eat the eggs while I am using it or do we need to wait?
  14. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Just checking in. Hope everybody made it through the storms. Michelleml - prayers going to you and your family. I not good with these type of things. Glad he feels well enough to travel and make memories. I went to the feed store Sunday for food and came home with two Cochin pullets who...
  15. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    That is ridiculous pay! If that was daycare they would be paying at least $30 a day each child. I guess it depends on how much you need the money.
  16. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    If I were you, I would just save it as a memento for your unborn baby. My children love seeing and owning foreign money, even now as teens. And the story of how you found it is some type of Godwink, I think you just don't know why that bill found you yet.
  17. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I am heartbroken for all those missing birds. Pretty sad when the predator is a human. Did they take ALL of her birds?
  18. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I had a very productive chicken and duck weekend. First of all, I rehomed my two RIR roosters. Posted them on Craig's List Saturday afternoon, late that night I had an e-mail. The address was in Spanish, so I was a little sick to my stomach about the fate of the roosters. The next morning I...
  19. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I am growing out 8 silkies and 5 bantams - and this week 4 of my silkies crowed at 11 weeks old. Just praying that at least the others are girls.
  20. cubbysan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have an bantam chick from TSC that looks like this one too. Probably around 7 weeks old now. Pure white. He/she is the cutest and tiniest little thing.
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