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    I order my UACV online from Their brand is cheaper than Braggs but just as good. I order six large bottles at a time since I use it in my waterers as well.
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    Bamadude - I have been fermenting my feed since last summer. It is so very easy and my birds love it. I use a 2:1 ratio of layer crumbles and 3 grain scratch, sprinkle in some BOSS, add water and a healthy splash of UACV. Stir it all up and let it sit for a couple of days until you see it...
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    Sunday was SO nice and warm that all my girls, and Rocky, decided to treat themselves to a spa day in their new enclosed area which was my garden plot last season. Have you ever seen so many dust bathing birds before? It was hilarious to watch them throwing dirt all over each other.
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    Okay, another newbie question. If I wanted to buy a few chicks and stick them under my hen who refuses to NOT be broody, what would I feed them? Would the chicks eat the same fermented feed I give all my birds or do they have to be fed something different and, if so, can the "mother" hen eat...
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    I drove all the way from northern Limestone County just to buy some hens from Amy and her family last year - I think they were her son's 4H project. Amy's GREAT!
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    Tomtomm, I'm not sure who you have, or if you have, cell phone service, but we have a Jet Pack from Verizon Wireless that we get our internet through since we are so far out in the country that cable hasn't made it to us yet and AT&T, well, they are just worthless. We had them for internet when...
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    I may have to wait until warmer weather then since we are forecast to get some more sub-freezing temps in the next few days and likely will a couple more times before winter finally gives up and goes away. Right now, I just try to shoo her out of the nest box most nights to get her to go and...
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    Here is a picture of my coop taken last summer to give you an idea of my setup.
  12. R


    Thanks coop is raised 24" off the ground so I would definitely have to build her something separate at ground level. Could I allow her to sit on the eggs in the main coop until I get something constructed and then move her and the eggs or would that cause her to abandon the nest...
  13. R


    Okay Alabama folks - newbie question time. If I decide I want to allow one of my hens to go broody and sit on a few eggs, what do I need to do in order to keep the chicks safe once they hatch? Do I need to put them and their mother in separate accommodations or will she keep them safe from...
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    I thought this was interesting so I figured maybe some of my fellow chicken fans would too. This is a picture of the ovary from my processed hen. All of the little balls are what would have become eggs. You can see that some are even yellow as the yolk would be in a fully formed egg.
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    She didn't actually have a name. Most of my birds do not - I just call them generic things like "little mama" or "pretty girl" but there are a few who do have specific names and it would have been much harder with one of them. As to eating her we are making chicken noodle soup tonight.
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    We had our first forced cull this morning. We had a hen with a very prolapsed vent last night and she was much worse this morning despite our best efforts at bathing, using Prep H, isolating her, etc. Once it was over, my husband and I chose to process her for eating as she was healthy other...
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    This is our coop and side yard this morning under 5" of snow.
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    We were lucky here in north central Alabama and didn't really get any accumulation during this arctic blast but this morning it was all of FIVE degrees when we went out to feed and water the birds. My husband took a picture of me with the cabbage "tether ball" I have set up for my girls. I can...
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