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  1. U


    Looks like a good time. I remember going to a pigeon show once with my grandfather when I was probably seven or eight years old. You think the last 30 years or so I'd manage to go to some other kind of poultry show but that's been it.
  2. U


    Ended up with 14 total. Plan on keeping about 5 hens but I'm about as far as you can get from Chicago. I'm about an hour east of Carbondale.
  3. U


    Icelandic's began hatching today. Up to 9 so far.
  4. U


    I'll have to keep an eye out for one of them. The last couple of years planted two apple trees three pear trees and an apricot
  5. U


    What type of cherry tree is this?
  6. U


    Tomatoes and strawberries are what they demolish.
  7. U


    I'm come to terms with the fact that Ive planted a squirrel food plot this year instead of a garden. Come August 1st it's game time though.
  8. U


    New project. Not done yet but hope to have the coop part finished by next weekend then will start focusing on the run more
  9. U


    He actually used to be pretty mellow until about six weeks ago. Going to give him one last chance before I give him away.
  10. U


    Put him in with the guineas today. So far he isn't harassing any of them.
  11. U


    Rudy is in lockdown for being a prick to the hens. This guy needs about 8-9 hens because he sure does have plenty of testosterone. Luckily they are cold hardy. Wind break and a roof, doesn't bother him at all not being in the coop.
  12. U


    Couple years ago I had a red sex link hen. She would lay 4-5 days in a row, skip a day and the that next egg after skipping would ALWAYS be a double yolk. Only hen I had that's continually lay them.
  13. U


    I can't hardly give birds away down here. Much less make a profit. It's just all for fun really.
  14. U


    At that price I'd sell you all mine...
  15. U


    They have quickly became my favorite"dual purpose" breed. Can't say we have actually butchered any though.
  16. U


    5 out of seven hatched.
  17. U


    Buckeye hen is still laying strong. 6 eggs a week. Last hatch of the year just started.
  18. U


    Did you find your hen?
  19. U


    I honestly can't see it being much of a debate LOL
  20. U


    Well that's almost at the complete opposite end of the state for me
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