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  1. bellaisa


  2. bellaisa


    I am wanting to start raising new chicks using both my incubator and having a broody hen. Was wanting some advise on the best breed for hatching and raising chicks. I need one that can handle cold temps I have 2 draft free coops but I do not heat my coops and would prefer not to have too. She...
  3. bellaisa


    I spent more than I wanted to. It was a little less than $3000.00. But we had them put in windows. To fit where I want it it can only be 8 feet wide so it is an 8 by 12.
  4. bellaisa


  5. bellaisa


    My DH said it will be years before he has to by me a gift at the holidays lol. He likes the chickens as much as I do though. I wish we were better carpenters but we gave up after our first coop build and went to a shed.
  6. bellaisa


    I have not posted in awhile but I am excited just had my new "coop" delivered. My last hatch put me over maximum chickens so instead of reducing my flock I enlarged my coop. I have found sheds to be the easiest to make into a coop. My existing 8 by 6 shed will now be a brooder. My new bigger...
  7. bellaisa


    Th Thanks. I was afraid the two in the first photo were males. I am enlarging my run and coop and planned on keeping one of the males but I can’t see keeping two and of course they are the friendliest and my DD favorites.
  8. bellaisa


    Sorry in advance multiple pictures; and I am not a good photographer. These babies are almost seven weeks. Any ideas which are pullets or cockerels? The first picture shows my DD favorites so I am hoping at least one is a pullet. .
  9. bellaisa


    11 of the 13 eggs that were fertile hatched. One zipped by did not make it out and it has been Zipped over 24 hours and no movement so I assume she passed. The other that did not hatch never pipped. I will leave them in for another day or just in case. The other 11 are all moving and eating...
  10. bellaisa


    I am not sure if it is the yolk or waste. This was immediately after hatch. She drug the shell around for a few minutes and then it fell off. This is my first hatch so I am not sure what I am looking at.
  11. bellaisa


    Help I have a baby in the incubator who is attached to shell. Does she have a chance? What should I do see picture
  12. bellaisa


    Hopefully someone else hatches soon. Surely with setting 14 eggs I will at least get two. It has been 4 1/2 hours since he hatched and still no friend.
  13. bellaisa


    I can't get the video to upload but her is a picture of the first baby. Hopefully someone else hatches soon to keep it company. How long should I leave it in the incubator?
  14. bellaisa


    I am so excited in the last two hours I have 4 external pips.
  15. bellaisa


    Out of 14 eggs one was clear but the other 13 made it to lockdown. I set up a motion detector camera so hopefully we will get a video.
  16. bellaisa


    Hopefully my chicks make it we lost power last night so the eggs were driven across town to my mother's and then back home again today. We used a USB battery in the car so the temp stayed good. Do you think the car ride damaged the chick?
  17. bellaisa


    I plan on removing the Turner at lock down on the 18. My hatch date is the 21st. Do you normally remove your Turner?
  18. bellaisa


    The light green eggs are the ones I can see the veins in the best. I can see some in the brown but not as well and not all of them show veins. How long should I wait to determine if the others are developing?
  19. bellaisa


    I am excited to say I can see veins in several of my eggs. I set them in the evening on march 31 so we are just now at day 4.
  20. bellaisa


    My incubator came in today. I have cleaned and now have it up and running. It says I should be able to add the eggs in four hours. I am thinking I will add 14 eggs that way even if we get a little less than 50% hatch we should get at least six. The incubator seems to be very user friendly...
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