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  1. Rachel'sFlock


    That is really cool. What a great (and cheap!) idea!
  2. Rachel'sFlock


    Thank you! I hope to find a taker for one or both soon. They will be 8 weeks old in a few days and this is a great time to change up the situation. Their only option, here, is to be dinner. Hopefully someone wants a beautiful boy to care for their hens and have a nice life with their flock...
  3. Rachel'sFlock


    Isn't he pretty?! I already have 2 BA roos (7 weeks old) I don't know what to do with. But I wish you luck finding a nice home for this fellow!
  4. Rachel'sFlock


    24 hours past the attack, all 20 chickens and chicks are in their pen, and don't seem to be able to escape (knocking wood). Edna seems to be feeling hungry, but quiet. I'm sure she is very sore after her harrowing experience. Otherwise she is alert and pretty much fine. The coyote has not been...
  5. Rachel'sFlock


    I had never seen one that big before. Really scary!
  6. Rachel'sFlock


    I felt just like that, seeming more like wolf than coyote, but the shape of the head. Fortunately, my invader was as scared of me as I probably should have been of him (tho I wasn't. I ran out into the yard like a maniac "You give me my chicken back!!!" ) And I'll be Billy BeJiggered if he...
  7. Rachel'sFlock


    Ok, so in some crazy twist of fate, my one hen, who I was sure was gone for good, came walking back home tonight, in time for bed. She has a nasty wound on her hind end (he tried to get a bite out of her, but only wounded her, instead) but I think some rest and liberal applications of neosporin...
  8. Rachel'sFlock


    Thanks, otherfoote. It was pretty terrible, but I feel very fortunate to have it only be one hen.
  9. Rachel'sFlock


    Giant coyote attack this morning. He only looked like a werewolf. Besides, the moon isn't even full.
  10. Rachel'sFlock


    Thanks, friend. I am going to have to do something. My pen is definitely safer than at large, but I am worried about peeps getting out, and werewolves getting in...soooo stressed... Your idea was a great one, and I thank you for it!
  11. Rachel'sFlock


    Lost a hen to a huge coyote this morning. Anybody out Otis way, and Highland Estates area, specifically, be warned...there are monsters afoot, and they attack in broad daylight. He was really big. I was lucky it was just the one. No more free-ranging for this lot...(now, to convince the 6...
  12. Rachel'sFlock


  13. Rachel'sFlock


    sorry, friend, that's all I have. I am hoping to keep one of the BA roos, as I will finally have enough hens to merit two, but the other one (and I pray it is just one...) is going to go to freezer camp, unless I find him a home right quick. I only have 9 hens for Max (my adult roo) and...
  14. Rachel'sFlock


    I only had the one CW roo baby, or I would be happy to trade you a pullet for a roo! Now if you want another BA roo, I am delighted to give one (or two!) to you.
  15. Rachel'sFlock


    Oh I was so hoping someone (anyone at all!) would want him, and now 2 people do! My neighbor up the road has switched me one from her 6 which was a pullet (we can now tell the difference quite easily!) Her Mamma hen isn't liking him at all, so if she changes her mind, I am happy for you to have...
  16. Rachel'sFlock


    So, the chicks under my broody are doing well, at a month old, and among the Black Australorps, there are only 2 emergent males. However, one of the 2 California White "pullets" I bought from Wilco Newberg has a huge red comb and is very obviously a roo... Soooo bummed. I bought them on a lark...
  17. Rachel'sFlock


    Congrats on the new birds!!!
  18. Rachel'sFlock


    Broodies are the only chickens I have ever had who constantly mutter "clook clook clook" to themselves. Like "Cluck", but muuuuch more serious. They also turn into velociraptors when you go too near them or their nests.
  19. Rachel'sFlock


    The Whole Family, out for a Scratch: Maximus, Mathilda, The Wilco 5 (2 weeks old, today) and the Homegrowns (2 weeks old, tomorrow)
  20. Rachel'sFlock


    That is spectacular!!!!
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