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  1. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    Cape May County 4H Poultry Showmanship Clinic May 4, 2013 10 AM Richard Hickman will be doing a Poultry Showmanship Clinic on May 4th from 10 AM to noon. He will be demonstrating the basics and finer points of Poultry Showmanship for poultry 4Hers as well as anyone else interested in how...
  2. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    We're still here....just like you tho, everyone is sick with something or other
  3. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    oh and you could give Peter Brown (The Chicken Dr) a call 1-410-546-6137....I think it is $25 for a consult but he waives it if you make a purchase of meds or such...or go on Blogtalk to the Chicken Whisperer show and ask your question (Monday) Peter is usually on
  4. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    try feeding them balls of bread popped down their throats if you can't get to the vet should push things along...and keep a close eye on their droppings........not sure what else to do
  5. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    how big is should be able to get by with layer pellets or crumbles if she is over 4 or 5 mos old....other than that i would use medicated chick food til her first egg...then discard the a rescue she may have been exposed to coccidia and the medicated food will take care of...
  6. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    We lost one of our Polish too night before last at dusk as well...something stripped 80% of the feathers and skin off the poor thing but did not kill her....she lived a little over 8 hours before finally passing from her injuries....I did all I could (kept her warm, put sterile water soaked...
  7. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    I am down near Wildwood...would love to meet up....just give me a holler as my grandma used to say :D
  8. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    not's more than 3 hours one way and we can only be there one day...most likely then most everything will be sold I guess so it is not cost effective to go to just stroll around :/
  9. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    I use straw only because I can lift it to provide air pockets and they love to snuggle down in it...sometimes I go in there and all you can see is their heads :D
  10. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    Shadowrabbit, if Chickerdoodle can't take them I can drive up from south NJ for them...I am right off the parkway in south NJ or we could meet half way if you like I think the rest stop by Atlantic City is about half way
  11. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    I don't insulate the coop or provide extra heat or chix do very well so long as they are out of drafts...I have an 8" layer of straw on one side of the coop and in the winter they tend to hunker down in it in groups....temp of the coop is at least 5 degrees warmer than outside...I...
  12. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    yea we just re-homed a 4 ft black rat snake...told my son that if it can slither 6 miles back here it is welcome to all the eggs it can eat ; D
  13. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    where are you? looking for 2 Amerucana pullets
  14. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    You are down by me...I am near Wildwood
  15. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    96 down here Just north of Wildwood....and the temps have gone down since mid-day...staying home while all the idiots are baking and paying thru the nose to park ($125 and UP to park if you can even get over the bridges...took my daughter an hour and a half to get off the island) for the Kenny...
  16. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    my chickens did fine last summer...if they have shade, can dust bathe and plenty of water they do fine...mine did fine in the 100+ temps last July tho the chix at Fair were really suffering and many animals went home a day early for safety reasons
  17. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    Quote: Seems like most of the NJ people are up in Sussex county and northern and Central NJ...don't seem to be a lot of us Cape May County people
  18. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    They are trying to get an exemption since she is 4H.....going to have a meeting on the 22nd but working toward changing the law in the town Quote: Well that's crappy - does anyone know an update? These towns better get with the program - chickens are coming, so they are going to have to...
  19. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    I have a small backyard flock here in south NJ...didn't hear the NJ101.5 thing but we have a 10 yr old girl south of me that has been ordered to get rid of her 2 chickens cause they don't live on an acre...... Quote:
  20. DragonfyrNJ

    New Jersey

    Quote: No but we HAVE taken our Old English Bantam hen to PetSmart
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