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  1. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Our biggest rooster is "harvested" and in the fridge. Tuesday I'll take it out and soak it in a brine of water, salt, garlic and onion. Wednesday evening I'll put it in the crockpot with poultry seasoning. We have eggs coming out of our ears. Out of our 20 standard-sized girls, we get between 5...
  2. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    I haven't been on this thread or on BYC in quite a while ... after reading the last 3 posts on this thread, thinking I need to go back several pages and do some reading! Was 16 degrees here this morning. We made a new watering system for our two large groups of chickens and looks like it got...
  3. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Hi. How did everyone do with this last blizzard? Here we got over a foot of snow, with drifts up to 2 1/2 feet tall! Took Hubby and I an hour to dig out the chickens and goats. Still, with our new buildings for all, nobody froze, got frostbite or even got sick. A little frozen water but that's...
  4. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Thinking about getting piglets in the spring too. Will make their pig pen between the girl goat pen and the boy goat pen. Will plant an oak tree to grow up and provide shade for them and then later they can eat the acorns. Sold quite a few chicks this weekend, but still have more. (Four...
  5. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Probably too long of a drive for a few chickens at $3.50 or so each. Thanks anyway! And good luck with your new coop. Wonderful.
  6. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Hi. Haven't posted for a while, but lurk when I can. But it's time! We have too many chickens! Yeah, I know, that's almost impossible, but for us, it is true. We have about 69 and need to get it to about 30/35 for the winter. Mostly have eggers, hatched from our own eggs. From 4 weeks to 4...
  7. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Just realized we got a Presto 6-qt aluminum pressure cooker for wedding present 4 years ago and never opened it. BUT it doesn't say it can be used for canning. What do you think? Bucky: sorry to hear that. JD: would be great but need someone to help me through the first round. Wanna?
  8. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Thanks for the help.
  9. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Quote: Thanks.
  10. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    We're taking 10-15 chickens to Simla on Saturday for processing but I don't have enough room in my freezer for all of them. Need to figure out how to can because even tho I have supplies, never have done it. Would anyone be willing to come here on Sunday to teach me how? (1 hr SE of Denver or NE...
  11. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Hi everyone. Popping in for a moment ... Thanks, Ryan, for the wonderful note you said about me. Hope the chicks are working out well, and that they're happy in their new home. Other news: Raised enough money for my son's service puppy. Still working to pay for training but a HUGE thanks to...
  12. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Can't do the chicken party in August. Sorry. Still have goats and chicks for sale (including some egger pullets, a bantam blue silkie cockerel, two 3 mo buff orpingtons and two bantam eggers that MUST stay together). Look for my craigslist ad. Discounts to BYCers. Collecting special recipes...
  13. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Quote: Didn't clean them well? What do you mean?! Yuck, I don't want to have to mess with them much. What did they not clean? There were lots of bits and pieces of feathers stuck here and there. I guess I was expecting the basically pristine condition I get from the supermarket.
  14. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    We had 4 chickens processed 2 weeks ago in Simla. Haven't eaten them yet. Only 1 was full grown. $3 per bird. Not too bad but they didn't do a great job cleaning them. Bad thing about the CL ad for eggs. Probably is your competitor. Up the price. Did you put it in the right category? See where...
  15. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Guess we're selling the house and moving closer to Denver. Hubby's father might need a home and it'll need to be near Denver for doc appts. Not a nice man but ... we'll see. Thinking about moving there anyway to be closer to my kid's doctors, therapies, hospital, and so forth. So ... looking to...
  16. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Anybody else get hit with that horrible wind last night? My son and I hid in the basement for a while (played Uno and talked). Goats and their babies were running around terrified. Glad chickens were already up for the night. But .. I'm kinda nervous to go out there this morning, to see what...
  17. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Quote: I once had a rooster who attacked me every time I wore red or maroon. Weird. Glad he's straightening up. Good to hear from you again.
  18. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


  19. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz


    Quote: Let me know if you need a place to temporarily keep them until you move. We have space (a little).
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