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  1. Rock Home Isle


    Welcome to the thread...great bunch of people here.
  2. Rock Home Isle


    The lighter colored eggs are from my older onesies and twosies from them. The dark ones are from my Welsummers, there are 6 of them... I just COULD NOT believe it when I looked in there and saw all those eggs...what a waste. I have no idea how long they have been in there.
  3. Rock Home Isle


    Here's a "What the Heck" moment... I go out to collect eggs and one of the girls starts talking to me from inside the coop. So I go around and open the side door. ...just how long have they been laying eggs here? Seriously? :ep
  4. Rock Home Isle


    Yesterday we watched a deer and the turkeys chase each other around the back of the cabin for about 10 minutes or so. I'd never seen that...crazy hilarious. :lau Posted to My Coop Project thread...
  5. Rock Home Isle


    We were visited at lunch today by 4 wild turkeys. Apparently wild turkeys like apples & pizza. They are lounging under a couple of pine trees behind the cabin. Every time I go outside they perk their heads up and twitter at me.
  6. Rock Home Isle


    Little visitor caught me getting a drink at the kitchen sink this morning. By the time I got my phone, it was back next to its mommy.
  7. Rock Home Isle


    Headed up to Estes Park for the evening, so we came up through Lyons last night, did not know there was a Blue Grass Feztival this weekend. It was crazy trying to get through town. The rain was nice, and the scenery was beautiful. As we rose in altitude we eventually entered the clouds...
  8. Rock Home Isle


    Summer's over...first day back in class with the kiddos. Good to see them. They are very excited to be back in school.
  9. Rock Home Isle


    We did the art in the park thing in Loveland.
  10. Rock Home Isle


    Weekend Shenanigans... On Friday evening, we went to the Pawnee Grasslands, out by Briggsdale, to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. There were 8 in our group. There was a boyscout troop, and my wife got to hold a Sugar Glider. Sunset was very vibrant. Dinner was awesome, with lots of...
  11. Rock Home Isle


    Amazing project...wowzers!!!!
  12. Rock Home Isle


    That is Hug-a-licious. One of the coolest photos I have ever enjoyed. Very Nice
  13. Rock Home Isle


    My last surprise Rooster was named Pecker...he had his good points and was working on some bad points. It's hard to let them go when we get attached to them. So..."Here's to auto-sexing birds and no surprises." bad surprises anyway.
  14. Rock Home Isle


    I quickly got tired if the surprise rooster. Now I maintain birds that are easily sexed as chicks...I like how it limits the appearance of the surprise rooster.
  15. Rock Home Isle


    Anyone else enjoying the opening weekend of the 2016 Olympics in Rio? Or am I the only one?
  16. Rock Home Isle


    Yesterday evening, I was in the front room watching cartoons with my grandson. Suddenly my wife runs through the kitchen and out of the house onto the back deck and starts yelling for everyone to come outside. I ran outside through the open sliding glass door, while my 2 1/2 year old grandson...
  17. Rock Home Isle


    Fingers go girl...
  18. Rock Home Isle


    My research time at CSU is drawing to a close...August 5th is my last day as a visiting faculty. I made some new and exciting discoveries with the experiments that I conducted, those will result in a few publications. Wednesday, Thursday are the big talk and show days. I give my presentation...
  19. Rock Home Isle


    My tomatoes are coming on...I have Yellow Pear tomatoes, and Roma's. I also have a variety of Roma that is supposed to bigger and meatier than a Roma, so I'm a bit excited to see how they go for me this year. Almost none of my sunflowers made it this year, I plant inside the openings of the...
  20. Rock Home Isle


    I have one bird, and bless her black heart, she has figured out how to climb the fence. She goes up to the fence, grabs on, flaps her wings and walks right up the side of the fence, and plops over the top into the garden. She's only done this a few times right after I closed the gate on the...
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