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  1. farmerlor


    Quote: Our apple trees were absolutely covered in blossoms. I had dreams about baskets and baskets of apples. And then the wind hit. Something tells me there's no apples AGAIN this year. Ggggggrrrrr
  2. farmerlor


    Quote: Well shoot, by the end of the month I'll have about 100 poults to choose from but they won't be crosses! I can save these babies for you though if you want.
  3. farmerlor


    I've got a couple of Bourbon/Midge White cross turkeys if anyone wants them. Special pricing of 7 dollars apiece for BYC'ers. These babies are 6 weeks old and beautiful, beautiful birds but we don't want anything other than purebred turks here.
  4. farmerlor


    Has anyone seen this? If anyone needs a coop you should jump on this puppy right away, it looks like a NICE one. : [email protected]
  5. farmerlor


    There may be some people from the Colorado Homesteader's group checking in to see if we get any plans firmed up regarding that chicken party. Seems to be a lot of the urban chicken keepers who are wanting to know what to do with old hens who don't lay anymore and I suggested that this might be...
  6. farmerlor


    Quote: Take I-25 south to Castle Rock and get off at hwy 86/Founders Pkwy and go east. That will take you to founders and then turn left on 86 continuing east. Go through Franktown and get to Elizabeth. Turn left at the first street after the saddle shop (wish I knew the name off the street...
  7. farmerlor


    Quote: try hudson lockers I think they only charge $4 per bird small family owned local business Closest processor I know is over in Simla. They're pretty far away and they too are a small family owned business. They even have their kids helping with the processing...
  8. farmerlor


    My brandy new Cochin girlies surprised me with a first egg today! Actually it wasn't THAT much of surprise since I'd already noted that one had a comb that was reddening up I sort of suspected that we were going to start laying soon but sure enough there was a pretty creamy tan egg out there...
  9. farmerlor


    Quote: Oh, so purty!!!!
  10. farmerlor


    Quote: I adore EEs. Seems like everyone I've ever had was friendly and sweet. Roos are very protective and can be a little aggressive but they're smart enough to learn after you teach them a lesson. I subscribe to the abject humiliation form of learning for roos. The hens lay almost every...
  11. farmerlor


    Quote: I NEED more snow!!!! Don't want the cold but my pasture needs more moisture and Greg just seeded for the turkeys and chickens and I really need that to grow. One question though for you veteran Coloradans (I've only lived here 14 years). Do you think that cold blast was cold enough...
  12. farmerlor


    Welcome! We're at 6800 feet and the only trouble we've had with altitude and/or cold affecting our chickens was when we had Cornish X chickens but since you're not raising meaties you shouldn't have a problem with almost any bird. My Easter Eggers were very hardy and pretty consistent with...
  13. farmerlor


    <-------Anni and the aforementioned Thunder.
  14. farmerlor


    Quote: Those girlies are wonderful!!! Best chickens I've ever, ever had. So sweet natured and tame and docile. Haven't started laying yet but that's okay, they're young and we're in no hurry. My daughter "owns" them and will be showing some this year at the fair. When we got them she was...
  15. farmerlor


    Oh, she's seen me writing and says I'm supposed to tell y'all that other baby names are Dewey, Misty, Snowflake and Blizzard.
  16. farmerlor


    Quote: Here's my boy: And I'm hoping to get some pretty frizzes using this hen: Thanks. He is handsome. How are the girls working out? Those...
  17. farmerlor


    Quote: I NEED more snow!!!! Don't want the cold but my pasture needs more moisture and Greg just seeded for the turkeys and chickens and I really need that to grow. One question though for you veteran Coloradans (I've only lived here 14 years). Do you think that cold blast was cold enough...
  18. farmerlor


    Quote: Pics? Here's my boy: And I'm hoping to get some pretty frizzes using this hen:
  19. farmerlor


    Found myself a Cochin roo!!! I'm buying a blue roo who's a full brother to the one that won at the Stock Show this year. Woot! Gonna have me some show quality cochin babies now!
  20. farmerlor


    One of my favorite chickens was a Hamburg from Mary's place. That little hen ruled the place and laid every single day. No, she wasn't the friendliest chicken in the bunch but when she outlived everyone else she was called Mama and given protected status even after she quit laying.
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