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  1. mynamesjenelle


    I've read to use honey because it's sticky enough to keep things together and it's a natural antiseptic, but I've never had to treat it myself. For a chick too it's scary :( Good luck with her!
  2. mynamesjenelle


    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been gone so long - taking classes and working full time AND volunteering really takes it out of me. It's almost spring, it's chicken catalogue season, and I missed you all! :D My girls are great, haven't lost anyone and they are all nice and fat and laying. Well, two...
  3. mynamesjenelle


    Oh yeah, is anyone going to the Rock Ledge Ranch holiday evening in December? It's on Saturday the 15th. I was looking at their website and it sounds like a lot of fun! : Rock Ledge Ranch will be transformed with the sights, sounds, and aromas of...
  4. mynamesjenelle


    What kind of hen is she? My BR hen is the same way. Since she's first to wake in the morning, she stands out in the yard LOUDLY trying to wake up her sisters until they come out of the coop. She is also the town crier when it comes to egg laying, especially if someone has the audacity to lay...
  5. mynamesjenelle


    If you find a good solution let me know. We had mice in the compost bin this summer and a couple nights ago there was one in the chicken run itself. HOW we have no idea, since the run is completely enclosed by 1/4" hardware cloth buried and cemented into the ground. I want something...
  6. mynamesjenelle


    I love this sweet little face! EE's are the nicest & most entertaining little things. Wow, we live about 5 minutes away from you! If you want to come by and see our setup sometime send me a PM. We don't have any RIR's but we have five other breeds. I can definitely tell you all about what...
  7. mynamesjenelle


    How did you get involved in 4-H as a volunteer? I looked into it over the summer and I couldn't find any groups with information about volunteering other than getting your kids involved, and I don't have any children. I really love what 4-H does for the next generation.
  8. mynamesjenelle


    My girls' combs are so dry that I've been putting on Bag Balm for the last couple months. I read that it keeps them moisturized, is mildly antiseptic, protects from cold, and also tastes bad so they won't peck each other on the head as often. So far so good but they hate it when I apply to...
  9. mynamesjenelle


    Congratulations! It's beautiful! My girls' waterer was frozen solid this morning. We have been using their chick waterer to swap out periodically but it might be time to spring for a heated one.
  10. mynamesjenelle


    ^^^ My EE hatched in mid-April and I still haven't gotten a single egg from her. She also looks exactly like Mommato's rooster in that picture up above, except she doesn't have the pointy saddle feathers. Yaaay! Congratulations! :cd Honestly you wouldn't want to raise a single chick...
  11. mynamesjenelle


    I looked up the Isbars last night - they look lovely! Do you have any pictures of the green eggs? I like a colourful basket in the fridge :jumpy
  12. mynamesjenelle


    Hey at least you got it! I'm in class again myself, hopefully 6 years from now I'll be a vet and I can have all the chickens I want :) Processing wasn't so bad when I did it a few months ago. Plucking was the worst part for me personally because we did it all by hand. After soaking in hot...
  13. mynamesjenelle


    I just caught up too. Got terribly sick a few weeks ago and spent a lot of time in bed - the dr said it wasn't the flu but it still kept me out of commission for about a week and a half. Wendell, I'm glad to hear the cranky rooster tasted good! I would have come over last weekend but our...
  14. mynamesjenelle


    Hmm that makes sense. The cochin started laying on August 18, but she's about six weeks older than the others. Her eggs are small and come regularly like yours. The other two pullets that are the same age started on the 15th of last month right around 22-ish weeks. If our light brahma...
  15. mynamesjenelle


    Haha, oh crazy birds. You have to wonder what's going on in their little brains. I read once that one of the reasons you want to separate a hen with chicks from the coop is that the other hens will do that while she's in the brooding box. They figure if it's a good place to raise babies, it's...
  16. mynamesjenelle


    Hmm well if you haven't already done her in I can try! My girls are big and bossy and maybe she'll tame the BR some. I'm in class til 9 tomorrow nite but the campus is down on your side of town. I'll send you a PM :)
  17. mynamesjenelle


    That is significant. It makes sense since lots of bullies do it to seem cool and tough to other kids. Once it's not cool anymore they back off. I feel like society needs to teach that being tough isn't worthwhile, but being kind is. Speaking of bullies our BR is still being a little feather...
  18. mynamesjenelle


    We picked our pumpkins a few weeks ago. They keep well for a long time as long as you keep them dry. We actually had a big white one in the foyer that we picked last October that we just had to throw out last month when it got squishy. I would take them in just to be safe because freezing...
  19. mynamesjenelle


    That sounds so delicious :drool I don't have a weekend free for playing in the kitchen until later this month though :hit
  20. mynamesjenelle


    What are we going to do with all of these noisy birds? We've had to stuff ours back into the coop until sunrise for the past four days. My theory is that the changing seasons are confusing them and they aren't tired anymore at 4 or 5am before the sun is up. We normally keep the chicken door...
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