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  1. KlopKlop


    Don't get mad.... picked up 40 eggs today :) from about 65 hens. They are finally settling in with the new coop and getting rolling again
  2. KlopKlop


    Hey all! thought I would pop by and see how everyone is. Ive been busy and havent been able to keep up on BYC. Minnie, sorry to hear about your son. I have faith they will be able to figure out the right meds and get him healthy again! Keep you head up stay strong! Will say some prayers...
  3. KlopKlop


    I will try to get some better pictures of them and their combs when I bring them home tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what is what as they grow. It could be any combo from my barnyard :)
  4. KlopKlop


    The buff and red ones would be either single comb (rainbow) or a buckeye over the a more thank likely single comb hen. The only non single combs I have arenSLW and my buckeye roo
  5. KlopKlop


    The buff and red ones would be either single comb (rainbow) or a buckeye over the a more thank likely single comb hen. The only non single combs I have arenSLW and my buckeye roo
  6. KlopKlop


    The kids loved watching the hatching progress. They got to see several chicks from pip to pushing free. It couldn't have gone any better
  7. KlopKlop


    They are currently at my parents house (my mom is the teacher that led the project at the school). They said they would cover the first 2 weeks until they are on vacation this weekend. I will go pick them up on Friday.
  8. KlopKlop


  9. KlopKlop


    Good morning all! I hope all are well We are 5 days out from potential broody hen hatches! So exciting!! One hen never gets off the nest so I assume all 8 of her eggs are still under her. The other kicked out 2 and has 5 under yet. Plus the 8 chicks from the school are doing well. There are 3...
  10. KlopKlop


    Good morning all! Been busy busy and not much time for BYC. Got my garden started this weekend and a ton of clean up work around the farm. All my birds are doing well and thee young ones are growing quickly!
  11. KlopKlop


    The eggs are hatching! 3 are out and a few more are pipped!
  12. KlopKlop


    They sure are! we are on day 7 tonight.
  13. KlopKlop


    Great news! I have been doing a hatching project with the local school for kindergarten and second grade and the eggs are hatching! One is out of the egg and one is pipped. 10 more to go :)
  14. KlopKlop


    My tractor is made of EMT not panels but either way I put my cloth on the outside
  15. KlopKlop


    I tossed the younger BA off her nest tonight. She wasn't on it this afternoon and had knocked the divider between the two nests down and was pestering the other hen. There was another young BA hen playing pancake since I picked the first one and so I just dropped her on the nest. Are the eggs...
  16. KlopKlop


    There are 2 mobile spay and neuter clinics that come to town here almost quarterly. Kindest cut and MnSnap. Worth checking out. I forget which one I called but one of those wouldn't do my cats because I 'make too much money' and they are focused on providing service to lower income people. My...
  17. KlopKlop


    He is spunky as ever and still probably half again bigger than his 2 remaining litter mates. My hens are still sitting. The older one I don't think has gotten off the eggs since I set her. The other hen I'm not certain about. I have seen her get off the best a few times when I am in the shed...
  18. KlopKlop


    Glad to hear it! One of my cats is still out sowing his oats somewhere, or so we hope. He may or may not return and we have accepted that. our 3 remaining cats are content on the farm. The one with the bum leg is healing nicely. we rinsed it the one time and trimmed back his fur and he has...
  19. KlopKlop


    @Minniechickmama i have up to 4 eggs under my broody now that should be Rainbow over cornish. i can usually tell them apart by size but it is still a guess. hoping for some nice chunky babies! the older hen is sitting real well. the other one i have my doubts... she likes to get excited...
  20. KlopKlop


    Ol' Biddy aka pancake #1 (2.5 yr old BA) Unnamed black australorp aka pancake #2 (1 yr old)
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