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  1. aussiegal318


    I love the little black face!
  2. aussiegal318


    Blanch, one more post for you to make 1000.
  3. aussiegal318


    No I'm in dirt. That black stuff is mud! Such a mess here.
  4. aussiegal318


    @KlopKlop I'm glad you fo found the infection. Hopefully it isn't systemic yet. All you guys amaze me with how talented you all are. I don't like sewing or crafty stuff, my coop is the first woodworking type project I've done (I liked that except for the measuring part). I don't mind...
  5. aussiegal318


    @lalaland Glad that Goldie is eating something. I hope those wounds are healing up. I've been surprised how hardy chickens actually are. @Coffee 1st So sorry about Kathy. Wasn't that the SLW that was picking on your other ill/injured hen? @KlopKlop I love the tool sets. Did you decide what...
  6. aussiegal318


    Was planning to work on the new coop yesterday & finish it today. Yesterday my daughter got the stomach flu that the boys had on Friday. I ended up taking the 5 boys, my 3 grandsons & SIL 2 adopted brothers both 10 until SIL got home. Today I have the stomach flu. So much for working on nice days.
  7. aussiegal318


    Welcome 71chickens! There quite a few of us in the area. I'm also in Nowthen, couple in Zimmerman/Orrock, Anoka, Big Lake, etc. Agreed with the rest, get it checked out! It might not be the hay itself, but the mold in it. @lalaland She's back! Remember, chickens fly.
  8. aussiegal318


    That is really hard. I know that there is auctions for alpacas and now there are alpaca rescues. My mom lost her house because she couldn't work due to health issues and it was so difficult & she didn't have all the animals.
  9. aussiegal318


    No that is Judy, I got my alpacas from her. She keeps 25-30 at any given time, but she is looking at liquidating her herd too. Her DH is retiring & they would like to travel. She is a special lady! She has school groups come out to the farm & does other events. I helped her with one last summer...
  10. aussiegal318


    We have one 1 good restaurant, Pompeii Pizza, real Italian pizza.PM me
  11. aussiegal318


    Those are my alpacas & Coffee's grand kids. It was so nice to have them over today. I love the chance to help educate children on animal care & training. They were great! Coffee's GD has quite the information bank, it helps to be able to apply what she has learned. As a past scout leader &...
  12. aussiegal318


    @scandiafowl sorry to hear about you mom. @Mistahbue That looks like it hurts. I agree, time to go to camp. I have a couple that need to go to camp, just because I have too many roosters. @Coffee 1st I'm so sorry about your little hen. That's the hard part of being their caretakers...
  13. aussiegal318


    My son was already 6yrs old then. That sounds like a nice mix. I like having different breeds just to mix things up. OOOOHHH...egg rolls, so good. I may have to make them if I can't get them out of my mind. Some people eat to live, I live to eat! That doesn't surprise me. My godson is on...
  14. aussiegal318


    LaLa it was really too nice of a day to be inside, however, getting ready for Thanksgiving is great! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Personally I love cooking for people. I can spend so much time planning & preparing. I usually have a schedule posted in the cupboard for what needs to be...
  15. aussiegal318


    I still have a problem with culling a bird or dispatching the Jr roosters. I have to leave that to the nephews. I think I need to join Ralphies freezer camp class next year. Does that have a section on how to sharpen an hatchet/ax?
  16. aussiegal318


    That would be cool! I would have to have one outside the girls hang out in the woods most of the time.
  17. aussiegal318


    Holy cow! That's a Big Buzzard! I've had a30#bird before & I was able to stuff it in the electric roaster, the lid didn't fit so used tin foil. LaLa, such a sweet grand baby! My daughter used to tell me all the latest & greatest in child care; I listen & unless I can find good reason to change...
  18. aussiegal318


    Happy Birthday Scandia!
  19. aussiegal318


    Such a beautiful day! My DH & DIL came & got the leaves done in about 4 hrs. Last year it took 4 guys 10 hrs to get the job done as they didn't have the right equipment. DS had 2 mowers going & the blower. If I had a trac vac it would be faster yet. One day maybe. Grand daughter helped me wash...
  20. aussiegal318


    I think everyone will have feathers for winter. The last 2 yrs, I've had at least 1 naked chicken when the snow flys. No house chickens this year.
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