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  1. sbucciarel


    So sorry to hear this. Roosters are so brave (most anyway).
  2. sbucciarel


    If you can accommodate a heat lamp there. They need a heat lamp until they have their feathers in.
  3. sbucciarel


    If you're looking for great quality SLW or BLRW, Jerry Foley has them. You can reach him here gfoley AT (remove the spaces and use @ for AT Here's his website: I purchased an adult breeding pair from him and the hen started laying eggs the second...
  4. sbucciarel


    I keep 1 Roo for every 4 hens. I think 10 is too many. Haven't had any fertility issues with my SLW that I bought from J. Foley. All of my eggs are fertile and most make it to hatch.
  5. sbucciarel


    When I let my egg layers loose when we have the vegetables gardens in, it results in loss of vegetables. They eat as many as they can and ruin many more by pecking them.
  6. sbucciarel


    Pet Chickens of VA post the swaps they run at many of the Tractor Supply Cos throughout Spring and Summer on their site. The forum isn't actually real active as far as discussions go, but it's a good source for an updated breeder directory and list of swaps.
  7. sbucciarel


  8. sbucciarel


    I have a Black Australorpe roo over a bunch of red sex links hens and the egg production is amazing. The red sex links have laid for me throughout the winter and usually lay an egg daily, except when molting. The egg size is very large and light brown/tan. I like other breeds for breeding, but...
  9. sbucciarel


    If it were here, the dog would disappear, but the shock collar idea might work. Put it around your husband's neck and when he lets the dog out, let it rip. :D
  10. sbucciarel


    I don't let my cats out so I don't have any problems and if I did let them out, I'm sure my roo would make them wish they'd never seen a chicken. But they would kill little chicks in an instant if they could get to them. I've read quite a few threads here where they lost their chicks to their...
  11. sbucciarel


    Awesome. I've been wondering what a Weeble was. lol.
  12. sbucciarel

    Virginia'] How adorable. :D
  13. sbucciarel


    Yeah ... I found one very large black snake sitting in my Cochin coop with a big old egg lump in it. He/she has been entered involuntarily into the black snake relocation program. :D
  14. sbucciarel


    I go to swaps regularly so I've gotten to know most of the breeders that show up in my area. It's pretty obvious to me who has healthy looking birds. In our area, there's only one breeder who shows up to all the swaps that has unhealthy looking birds and I think his conditions at home are very...
  15. sbucciarel


    LOL ... reminds of the swap where I was loading up the truck and it wasn't quite daybreak yet. I put on a pair of pants that came out of the fresh laundry and they looked fine ... until I got to the swap and the sun was full out. They were the badly stained pants that I clean out coops in...
  16. sbucciarel


    lol ... that's good to know.
  17. sbucciarel


    Have to agree with this. There are plenty of reputable breeders at the swaps ... I'd say the majority take good care of their flocks. Crowded conditions at a swap is not indicative of crowded living conditions at home. No one can provide the same kind of space for the few hours they're at a swap...
  18. sbucciarel


    Good grief. I don't think we got anywhere near that amount of rain, but I went to bed, so I don't know. Kinda glad we live on a hill and any flooding occurs in our evil neighbor's fields.
  19. sbucciarel


    It was foggy and looked like it was going to rain all day, although it didn't actually rain, so not as many customers as I'd hoped for but I did sell off my Bantam Cochins. Decided I want to do LF Cochins and after the swap, had an appointment with Tom Roebuck on his lovely farm to pick up my...
  20. sbucciarel


    lol ... for her sake, I hope the load gets reduced. Heading off to the Orange County Swap today myself to reduce the chick overload.
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