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  1. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Love the tractor use to drive one as kid.
  2. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Nice butterfly!
  3. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Had fun here this morning cafe DH had a low blood sugar! called the medics unknowingly I did start it coming back up with frosting in a bottle. Made him a couple fries eggs to keep it up. We had only had them at night before.
  4. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Having a quiet day here seems sun has come out. My rib is starting to ease as far as pain guess it was bruised.
  5. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Morning Cafe had my coffee Not raining this is bonus!
  6. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Grandma was in her late 70's she took me on. She would say Gosh when I was younger ! She died at 103 God bless her and so did I.
  7. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    So are mine and I cracked a rib so being in great shape will not let us bounce back after 60. :gig
  8. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe I figure as long as I can I will.
  9. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Best part is we can still laugh at pain.
  10. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I went ass end over tea kettle last night in the coop. Do not bounce as well anymore. :idunnoThat was not fun.
  11. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe, hitch in right hip might have slept on it wrong. Anyway life goes on.
  12. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I have 9 of my big girls started today in my little 12 incubator. Will offer some for sale here all others will go to auction local.
  13. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Afternoon Cafe! Did emerge late birds where fine, instead of 8 it was 10. Bought some seed yesterday mustard spinach and lettuce.
  14. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Need to give up my relaxation go clean the tables. See what there is for eggs ?
  15. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    No rain today here but still the 60's. Morning Cafe have my second cup. First garden salad tonight.
  16. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Taking it easy forgot eat so had toast with peanut butter with a banana chaser 59 outside grass is damp from the constant sprinkles.
  17. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning I slept through the burp this time. I have coffee to share. That is what make life go on.
  18. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Only quest for me is to plant lettuce seed I still have. Scrape the crap from the tables. Most on my list take it simple.
  19. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Thanks for all the reply's ! It is morning up at 8.
  20. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I ordered to auto set types off Amazon 20.00 each wish me luck. Here I am afraid the solar ones would not charge well enough when we have grey months.
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