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  1. Granny368W


    I've been working outside so much and we have 3 of our grand babies here with us for 5 weeks. But I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. This will be our first year with a really nice garden. We're working on it right now. I can't wait!!! I'll try and get some pictures of my hens...
  2. Granny368W


    We had to leave for 2 weeks and I was so worried about my little worms. So I put lots of baby carrots and prayed for the best. We got home and I found a trillion of them! I think more hatched out while I was gone, I quickly added more baby carrots and watched. I forgot, do the worms shedd? I...
  3. Granny368W


    Hi chicken women...I live in Big Timber, actually south of Big Timber in the mountains. We love it up here.. Adalia... my chickens lay pretty late in the day... some days not until 1 pm..
  4. Granny368W


    Well ours have been going into their hen house every night for's just been since it has been it's dark all day long...Rae
  5. Granny368W


    I have been having a problem since the weather turned so cold....I put the red light in so they could have some heat and since I turned it off, they are not making it back in when it is dark, the automatic door closes and only 2 made it in and 12 still in the run...So we have to open the door...
  6. Granny368W


    Yes, it is oval...just so tiny... Rae
  7. Granny368W


    YES! It let me post the picture! Rae
  8. Granny368W


  9. Granny368W


    I can't post the pictures....
  10. Granny368W


    You guys will never guess what I found on the hen house floor! I was gathering all the eggs and I noticed the hens all looking at something on the floor, I looked and it was this very tiny egg.... here's a picture of it... I'm not sure it really shows how tiny it is but that's a quarter laying...
  11. Granny368W


    Thank you, I ordered two of the API 250D 200 Watt Pail and Bird Bath De-Icer with guard and a 6' cord.... We are going to be gone for 2 weeks and so we are setting up a Garbage can with the vertical nipples and then I can put both heaters in the big garbage can.. I sure hope all of this works... Rae
  12. Granny368W


    I have a question, what are all of you doing for water heaters? I have 2 5 gallon Buckets for water with nipples on the bottom.... I need to put heaters on them because we're getting real cold... Rae
  13. Granny368W


    Welcome, I live in the mid southern part of the state...... Big Timber. .... Rae
  14. Granny368W


    Well I'm about 2 hours West of Billings, Sout of Big Timber in the mountains...
  15. Granny368W


    yeah, I don't want to cull them either... I will take some pictures on Friday, we have to go to town tomorrow.... Joe has a doctor appointment and then we're have to buy more wood to build the retaining wall for the walk way to the chicken house ... we were just 3' short of the 1/4" hardware...
  16. Granny368W


    I'm not sure what to do when the time comes and they no longer lay, they'll be too to eat..... what do you think? Yesh, mine are on layer Pellets and I've always had Oyster Shell available for them at all times.... The one I think will lay first did squat for me when I picked her up, so...
  17. Granny368W


    well min haven’t even started laying yet.... But I was thinking that I wouldn't need to get new chicks but every other year... so this next spring mine should be laying a whole lot of eggs, I hope If they're not laying then I would love to order with you..... <3
  18. Granny368W


    Well mine have never laid an egg! Maybe I should give some to mine... when I make me oatmeal, I make extra ad put it out at night when I close the door up...that way they have something special when they wake up....Tonight I put a bag of Shredded Carrots, they'll be so happy when they see...
  19. Granny368W


    I keep opening the drawer so I can see them moving around.
  20. Granny368W


    well, I've never done it before.... So I got 1000 from PETSMART and then when I got home, came home and put some oatmeal in my 3 drawer Steralite Container and then added some baby Carrots....OMG, They must have been so thursty the attached to them like crazy... today the carrots are all...
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