2 week old chicks

  1. OzarkEgghead

    2 wk old chick developing scissor beak

    I have seventeen 2 wk old Easter Egger chicks I'm raising indoors. They all appeared normal at 1 day old. I've noticed one of them is only HALF the size of the others so I singled her out today & inspected her closely. I was shocked & dismayed to see she was already developing scissor beak. I've...
  2. MaybeMay

    2 week old chicks scared of me still.

    I have 9 Australorp chicks that are about 2 weeks old I got them last week. I don’t think they got any form of human interaction from the guy I bought them off as they are still scared of me. Is there anything I can do to help make them more friendly? I have side access to brooder so I’m not...
  3. Harmoni

    Interior brooder layout for almost 2 week old chicks

    So we have a heat plate. Picture one is with the heat plate on a rack made of hardware cloth. They would occasionally sleep under it at night but were spending a lot of time on top of it. I decided to try a different design. I have the heat plate under an aluminum tray. Does that seem ok? I was...
  4. cloverhs

    Ideal Poultry *d'Anver* with feathered legs?! Mutation or mistake?

    So we have a two week old Self Blue d'Anver chick, Fig. We got him February 11th along with 16 other varied bantams (*not Ideal's choice of assorted bantams, we picked them all out ourselves!). I got three d'Anvers in total, 1 Quail d'Anver, 1 Blue Quail d'Anver, and the chick of the hour, Fig...
  5. G

    What age do you leave chicks outside during the day?

    I have 2 week old chicks and I've been putting them outside since they were 8 days old when I feel it's warm enough, I put them outside at 13 degrees c (55 degrees Fahrenheit) and they all stayed in the shade. How much cooler do you think they'd still be comfortable in?
  6. SweeneyFamJamFarm

    Brooder box upgrade for 2 week old chickies

    Well, as first time chick owners we have already learned so much, despite spending months of research and preparation thanks to Covid 19!! we received 10 beautiful baby chicks by mail... they were 3 days old. Unfortunately, we lost one on the second day of having them, despite our best efforts...
  7. emmsx3

    Very Tiny 2 Week Baby Chick. Is this normal?

    I have a 2 week old baby chick who is SUPER tiny. Her brother and sister are also 2 weeks just a day apart but they are growing normally. Her wings are so tiny with no feathers yet. She has troubling eating her food (chick starter) and trouble swallowing (only one piece of food at a time). I do...
  8. First time silkie mum

    Is this a lavender silkie?

    Hello! Can anyone share their thoughts on this little silkie chick? Do you think it will be lavender or too early to tell? I don’t know what either parent looked like unfortunately. It really doesn’t matter, it will be loved either way! Just curious :) Thank you!
  9. First time silkie mum

    Introducing a 2 week old silkie to 3 x 1 week old silkies, bad idea?

    Hello! First time silkie owner here, what an excellent platform this is, I’ve found sooo many answers here! I am very proud of my 3 little one week old chicks that I have had for 3 days now, a black and a yellow and a mixed colour who have settled in nicely. A different breeder contacted me...
  10. Marme

    Help with sexing blue wheaten Ameraucana and black copper marans

    IMG_3873 by Marme posted Apr 18, 2019 at 9:52 PMIMG_3875 by Marme posted Apr 18, 2019 at 9:54 PMIMG_3876 by Marme posted Apr 18, 2019 at 9:54 PMIMG_3877 by Marme posted Apr 18, 2019 at 9:54 PMIMG_3878 by Marme posted Apr 18, 2019 at 9:54 PM Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and was hoping...
  11. B

    Questions About My Baby Chicks

    Hi, this is my first time raising and owning baby chicks. I now have 16 heavy females. I have a few concerns and questions that I just cannot find anywhere else the specific answer to. My chicks were born on 7/11/18 and are now a little over two weeks old. I originally had 17 chicks but one of...
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