broken bone

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  2. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    I've been caring for a lone corturnix quail recently, it was the only egg to hatch out of 6 last eggs of my dead flock. She was lonely but she was doing well! Last night, I cleaned her home up for the first time in her life; she was previously living in our garage so her hutch was wet and...
  3. MyLovleyLatte

    Help!! I don't know what's wrong with my quail Bella

    Hi, so basically my quail named Bella was discovered in my coop with a really swollen and bruised leg/thigh. I think its a broken bone because she is really unstable (not able to stand) and can't really walk around. She is inside now and she is eating and drinking well. I don't know what to do...
  4. Jstaz

    Injured, possible broken leg?

    The photo doesn’t quite give it justice, and I am unable to upload a video on the forum, but I came home this morning to find one of my pullets, nine weeks old, appearing to have a broke leg. She can stand and move, but the left leg looks to be very weak Yesterday she was fine and she appears to...
  5. L

    Rooster with broken leg

    I picked up a rooster with a pretty bad looking broken leg but I’m not sure how to tell if he can live with it or if he will need care. He moves and can move pretty quickly so I’m not sure if this is an old break that healed this way or if it is fixable.
  6. M

    Down chick

    hello I have a chick with a broken leg I think she came out of the box that way is there anything I can do she can walk and can't drink water I moved her away from others trying to trample on her
  7. J

    My chicken is lying on its side after a dog attack

    On October 22, 2022, two German Shepards attacked our chickens, killed 5, and injured 3. One of those chickens is lying on its side and is in pain when moved. I think one of the bones is dislocated or broken but I don't know which one. I can't get an X-ray because I can't afford it. Is there...
  8. backyardbirds394

    Quail Injured with Broken Wing or Rib Won’t Eat or Drink What to do???

    Hello everyone. My small dog stuck her head through the quail cage while I wasn’t around and bit one of my cortunix quail. She was bleeding a lot and had a bone near her wing which could be the humerus or maybe a rib sticking out. I put neonsporin on her and wrapped her wing going over the...
  9. P

    Broken leg?

    Hi, I need help. My hen was laying on her side and when I picked her up to see if she’d been bitten by a predator and she wouldn’t apply any pressure on her left leg. She’s dropping her wings and doesn’t want to stand at all, I don’t see any swelling but her left moved left and right now at the...
  10. Tmartin7711

    Broken leg maybe please help!

    Hello everyone! My mystic onyx hen Calypso got locked in the garage and I believe stepped on a rat trap. I feel horrible I didn't even notice she went in. Her symptoms are: Laying on side Limping Swollen foot I have been giving her water with electrolytes in it but I think I need to wrap it but...
  11. M

    Bumblefoot or broken foot?

    This particular hen did have bumblefoot in her left foot pad and one of her right foot toes which I took care of. However, the pad of the right foot has been swollen for some time and I can't find a spot to make me think it's bumblefoot. She walks on it, but with a limp and sits down a lot. So...
  12. Elraishem

    Wyandotte chick with snapped wing

    I have a 7/8wo Wyandotte chick with an open wound and bone sticking out. The wing is blue past the break. Is there any way to save them?
  13. KristaHB

    3 week old silkie can't bear weight on one leg, foot appears deformed or broken. Advice / suggestions?

    This is Morticia Addams. She's around 3 weeks old. Starting yesterday she has a noticeable limp, today becoming almost completely lame in that leg. Upon further inspection I noticed a large knot on the top of her foot, and when I photographed it, I see that either her foot is malformed or...
  14. S

    Gosling with fracture

    I have a buff goose who hatched seven goslings. Two were dead the first morning and one was injured. The injured one seems fine but can't use her left leg. It's rotated slightly at the knee and she doesn't walk on it but she will use it for balance when she runs (straight line only and it...
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