chicken aggression

  1. BunnyChickenMomma

    My chicken attacked me...

    I have four Buff Orpington chickens that are 16 weeks old. Parsley is one of the biggest, and she is the first one to develop full wattles, a big comb, and a red face (I have often wondered if she might actually be a he, but I have no idea how to tell). Despite being one of the biggest she gets...
  2. FourHensNoPens

    Has 'egg attacks' been addressed?

    We have four hens who are seven months old. We raised them from one-week-old chicks. They live in a coop surrounded by a Run. The coop's nesting area supports all four but is designed with only two side-by-side nesting boxes separated by a very low (like 2-3" high) divider. Three of our birds...
  3. O

    Sudden Aggression

    Location: Pacific NW Breeds: Dorothy and Sophia are both Eastereggers. The other two are Austraulorps. Enclosure: This Eglu with the 9' run all within a 20'x21' fenced and netted (over top) area. I have a four hen, 2 1/2 year old, flock. Last week the alpha hen (Dorothy) suddenly became very...
  4. Fisher hen

    Hen Head wound

    Hello Fellow Chicken Farmers, New hen battled with resident rooster. Went from bad to worse. Two trips to the vets, glued first time, just left open second time. Now a gaping wound on top requires &500.00 in surgery. She is eating walking drinking and droppings just fine. In house now. Any...
  5. P

    Buff Orpington picking on Rhode Island Red!

    Hello, My Buff Orpington is picking on my Rhode Island Red! My flock only consists of these two chickens. Do you guys have any suggestions? Should I get another chicken? And if so, what breed? Please reply as soon as possible with any ideas.
  6. EggMan207

    Had one of my chicks brutally attacked ...

    Yesterday, I had one of my chicks (a black australorp) attacked by the older chickens. She's 9 weeks old. We just put the chicks in this week. They pecked the back of her head and neck quite badly. The skin is pushed up on the top of her head so it sort of covers one of her eyes and it looks...
  7. Lazy Farmer

    Your Favorite Chicken Breed.

    There are too many to list in one sitting! What is your favorite breed? Photos are encouraged! Post your personal favorite.. Aggressive poll is an option. We are considering adding different breeds to our flock. Just curious of others personal favorites.. As we don't want to buy any bully breeds...
  8. ChickenyChickeny

    Pullets Pecking amd Chasing Chicks

    I have 2 pullets, both of whom a very friendly to people and each other. But recently, I got 3 chicks, all a week and a half old. I didn't hatch the chicks or have a hen brood them, so there is no hen to watch them. I thought the chickens would get along ok, but NOPE. The two pullets will sneak...
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