lethargic chichen

  1. sophielophiemophiepophie

    very lethargic hen with a yellow clouded eye and yellow/liquidy poop

    we have a year and a half old hen who has a yellow clouded eye that irritates her. It started the day before yesterday and her other eye is very dilated like shes in pain. She hasn’t been moving much — shes very lethargic and picking at food and sleeping most of the day. We’ve been giving her...
  2. LastMinuteLizzee

    Chicken died overnight after day of lethargy, bad egg & yellow poo

    Hi. I'm heartbroken. I found Trixie, one of my Rhode Island Reds, dead in her nesting box this morning when I went to let them out of their coop. She had been acting normal but yesterday began acting lethargic, walking gingerly, not running when I offered food. While watching her I saw her...
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    Potential coccidiosis? Or is it something else? Help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Cream Crested Legbar, 14/15 week old pullet, very under weight (judged by prominence of keel bone) 2) What is the behaviour, exactly. Lethargic, puffed up, tail droopy, wings away from body...
  4. K

    My chicken is pale, lethargic, and is staying in the coop. HELP!!

    My chicken has a pale comb and wattle. She is not eating and I am really worried, another chicken in my flock died with the same symptoms a few weeks ago. She is about 2 years old, she is a golden comet. I did notice that maybe he had loose stool, like more watery than usual. But not sure. She...
  5. PeepingK

    HELP! Sudden weight loss and death in hens

    I’m heart broken that I have to make this post but I really don’t want to lose my girl… About a week or so ago I noticed that my BCM hen, Poppy, was very underweight. Thought maybe it was due to her moulting (she’s 11 months old) but she’s gotten progressively worse over this past week, she’s...
  6. CloneFly

    Possible Sour Crop?

    My friend has a young hen that's been very lethargic for the last week... They had originally treated her for sour crop; massaging her, giving her an antifungal, garlic water and some B12- she showed signs of improvement for a while but she's back to being lethargic. She doesn't have an appetite...
  7. The_Silkie_Farm

    Slightly lethargic silkie chicken...after 3 deaths from the coop...

    Can someone help? I’m not sure what is going on I do have a lot of silkies right now in one coop as I’m building my fourth largest coop that is almost finished however they still have plenty of room to free range. However, it is extremely hot outside and I do keep a circulating fan on them...
  8. J

    2 chickens lost and looking for others insight with experience

    We have a small backyard of 6 chickens that are all 8 months old. We live in Florida so it can getting very humid and hot so we designed our coop with ventilation being a top priority. The girls have a outdoor fan in their run, 80% shade throughout the day, and frozen treats (their food just...
  9. J


    My pet rooster is 4 and half years old. he was always energetic and chirpy. A month ago i lost my other rooster who was his pair and companion for the last 4 1/2 years. it was pretty shocking and heartbreaking for me and i think it took a toll on my other roo. he is slowly getting depressed and...
  10. C

    [URGENT] My chicken suddenly became very lethargic, pale comb and wattles, and trouble moving.

    Hi, I have a buff orpington hen and she is just turned four years old. Over the past month or so, my chicken will not eat as much as usual, and sits away from the rest of my chickens on occasion. At first I thought she had an impacted crop, and I have massaged her crop and shes thrown up water a...
  11. C

    Newbie here! What's wrong with my chicken?

    My Buff Orpington is very lethargic, her eyes are just wanting to be closed, and seems pretty sleepy. And kind of depressed looking. She also has pretty bad balance. Today she had white/green poop. I'm new to all of this. What should I do? What can I give her to make her feel better?
  12. CalBickieMomma

    HELP! Sick hen, again! Lethargy, smelly poop, puffed up, possible swollen abdomen...

    I’ve been having a run of sick hens lately (ugh), but my recent girl seems to be the worst so far. During my past few weeks of isolating a couple of them, one evacuated a clump of roundworms ( :sick ), and so I suspected this was the issue for the three I am/was concerned about (laying...
  13. lunahills

    Younger chickens sitting most of the day

    I have two 8-9 month olds and two 8-10 week olds. I’ve been alternating them between a coop/small run and a tractor each day. You can read the full background of this set up here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/bad-start-with-chickens-now-what.1470318/ The younger ones are active when...
  14. Z

    My girl is lethargic, molting and not eating or drinking

    I raise all of my chickens as pets, eggs are secondary. Anyway, Skye is about four now, an Orpington. She's my favorite and my oldest girl since her sisters have passed. She is normally quite rambunctious and picks on the others but has always been gentle and cuddlier to me. She's going through...
  15. pepparaaraa

    Dark green poop, lethargic and not eating/drinking... HELP!

    Hi, I noticed at the end of last week one of my hens drinking but not eating, she was standing on her own puffed up and tail down. I brought her in on Sunday as she had stayed in the coop with the water and food within reach as I was away for a night... when I returned she hadn’t even moved or...
  16. L

    Sick Hens

    I am at a loss. I am losing hens and I think we've tried everything now except taking samples and a hen to the vet if we can find one in our area. I've lost 2 hens in the last 4 weeks and another one looks like she's going to die today. Here is what has been happening: Note: They are free...
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