
  1. P

    Keeping a neutered rooster for flock protection

    I did some research for a while this morning and I found quite a few articles about caponizing roosters. All of them seemed to be related to doing it for getting better meat out of the bird. They also all seemed to reference having to do it at a relatively young age, but did not specify why...
  2. MissDolly

    Safe Alternative to Dangerous Surgical Neutering of Roosters

    We got 4 “female” chicks from TC, one turned out to be rooster. He is 5 1/2 mos old now and we cannot have a rooster where we live. We have forever homes for all our pets, so we looked into getting “Roo” neutered. We talked to an avian Vet. She told us they no longer recommend or perform this...
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