odd egg

  1. Odd shape egg

    Odd shape egg

    This is front and back view of 'pillow' shaped egg one of my Barred Holland or Partridge Plymouth Rock hens layed recently. Shell feels heavy and thick. My 5 gals share a nest box and I've had no repeats but jus curious if anyone knows what this shape may be about?
  2. JesWith3

    Will her egg always come out like this?

    I've got three Starlight Green Eggers. One (Mocha) started laying light teal green eggs on Christmas morning. Number two (Captain) started laying a beautiful deep olive egg three days later. Today, number three (Mocock) started laying. This is her egg pictured and I have no idea what to call...
  3. Aprilxoxo

    Very cool egg

    Heya everyone. My quail layed a pure white egg today and thought i would show it off. Her usual eggs are patterned with purple patches which i always found beautiful but this was beautiful too in its own way. :)
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