
  1. C

    Hi Everyone! -RomanGeese

    Hi everyone! I recently purchased five Roman Tufted geese. The one baby left “knee” looks swollen and it wobbles when it walks as it cannot fully put its I was told to put a makeshift splint on it and give vitamins daily. Just wanted to know if anyone else had something similar and what else I...
  2. JKHerdItAll

    Entertainment for Goslings

    Whoops, I posted my ISO in the wrong forum but it won't let me delete, so I'm repurposing to ask a question haha - what does everyone use to entertain bored goslings? They hatched this week and it's too cold to let them outside for too long, and the one won't stop picking at the other's back fuzz.
  3. Goosebaby

    Genetics question

    I have a gosling that I initially thought was a buff, but I noticed he has blue eyes. My two girls that are the possible moms are a Classic Roman and an American Buff. More than likely the Roman is the mom. The possible dad’s are Leo and Parsnip, French Toulouse, and French Toulouse? Leo is...
  4. Rondack

    Best goose...

    Please select your favorite goose breed... best pet, best egg layer, best for meat, most calm... I have not included all breeds, if your favorite is not listed please tell me and I can add it...
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