turkey coop

  1. Recycling an Old Horse Shelter into a Turkey, Duck & Chicken Coop & Run with Repurposed Materials

    Recycling an Old Horse Shelter into a Turkey, Duck & Chicken Coop & Run with Repurposed Materials

    (This article is still in progress) It all began with adopting a Silkie Rooster, hatching 11 chicks and raising 7 ducks..... now we have a Large Coop, 2 turkeys, ducks and 16 chickens (all broody 🤣). This coop was a abandoned horse shelter within an old horse pen. Eventually it was turned into...
  2. Rural-urbanite

    Turkeys Coming To Roost

    I have had turkeys and chickens. They were never housed together, or even mingled together (I’m a stickler for biosecurity and npip recommendations)🤓😄👍. One thing that always sucked, was that the turkeys ALMOST NEVER returned to their giant turkey-friendly coop when the sun set—and the random...
  3. Stephanie8806

    Turkey coops? Share pictures!!!

    Hey there! I’m looking to expand my poultry flock to include turkeys, and I would love to see or hear about what you all do for coops. I am undecided about heritage vs broad breasted, would want them for meat and eggs, not looking to breed right now. I live in Central Washington state, at...
  4. CapricornFarm

    Turkey Coop Build

    Hello everyone! I have young turkeys that really need a coop and run of their own. Turkeys require 10 square feet of coop space per bird, and 20 square feet of run space per bird. Ultimately i will weed the turkeys out and keep 5 females and one male. Right now i have 9 youngsters and 3 small...
  5. jennajolynne

    Turkey Housing

    Hello all. I was wondering if you could show me some of your turkey "houses". I have heard turkey's don't care to be cooped so I was wondering what everyone uses in the winter to keep them protected? I live in upstate NY where it gets very cold in the winter and I don't really have any tree...
  6. D

    Distance between chicken coop and turkey coop

    Hi Guys; I'm new here and I've read through quite a few posts about keeping chickens and turkeys. Most questions usually ask if you can keep chickens and turkeys in the same coop. Mine is different. I have a chicken coop. and I'm thinking on building a turkey coop approximately 10 feet away in...
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