what breed is this chick

  1. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Hello, i’m new to chickens and this is my first chick. I’m pretty sure it’s a female, (if not please correct me), but I’m not sure what her breed is.
  2. Ashley4

    What breed is this?

    I know the dad is a polish, but the mom is a guessing game. It is either my silkie or my frizzle. That is all that is in there with him. It came out of a white egg that was a little pointy at the end. Can you help me figure out what this little baby is?
  3. Sashjack

    Surprise white chick

    Hello! Our chicks are two months old now and have changed quite a bit. We had ordered 13 chicks but got a surprise extra, and while we have our guesses on her breed, we’re not quite sure. We thought she might be a Lavender Orpington.. she has a slightly darker head that looks a bit grey under...
  4. InTheHenHouse_

    Can someone help me identify this chick!

    We got this baby at a local farm store in a rarest of rare assortment SR, We can’t figure out what she is. we suspected she might be a laced Cochin awhile ago but now we wonder if she’s buff Brahma. also can anyone tell if they’re bantam or a standard? We’ve never had any types of Cochins so...
  5. Trinitydraco

    Help me figure out what breed/cross my chicks are

    Okay so I hatched 5 chicks from "mystery" eggs and am dying to know what they are. There is the one with the dark stripes on the back and green legs, a very pale yellow/pink one with blue above the eyes, a darker yellow one with blue above the eyes and then the 2 black ones. they have some...
  6. B

    Mystery Tractor Supply Chicks, What Breed are They?

    I got three chicks from the mixed bantam chicks from Tractor Supply yesterday, and I'm curious if anyone can tell what breed they might be even though they are young. This is a lavender chick but I can't tell the breed. I have no idea what color or breed this chick is. I know this...
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