2 hens, 3 eggs in 12 hours


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
SF Bay Area
Is it normal for a newly laying hen to lay 2x in one day? I have one that started 2 weeks ago, and she is now laying 1x a day, and my other hen laid her first egg yesterday. This morning I looked in and there was 1 egg and when I checked in on them a couple of hours later, there were 2 more. Not that I am complaining, but is that a common thing?
I had two young Buff Orpingtons and I frequently got 3 eggs a day. I don't know if yours will keep it up forever(my girls got killed by a neighbors dog so I don't know how long they would have lain extras) but enjoy the bonus egg while it lasts.

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