Any one have multiple flocks (without free ranging)


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
We don't free range our small flock of 5 and have them contained in a large run. Chicken math got me and I want more, however the space in this coop and run is just too small to add many more comfortably. Ive been going back and forth on redoing the entire setup to make it large enough for 6 or 7 more or just making a second coop/run setup and managing two flocks that never interact. I see many pros and cons both ways, but one thing that has me leaning towards two flocks is how much I actually love the current setup I have. My coop is a prefab and for me I really like the ease of cleaning and maintaining it. I also am not handy and not able to build something on my own, nor do I want to spend thousands on a large enough Coop or convert a large shed. My husband would be able to build a coop with plans, but again im not sure I want to go that route. Any members here have multiple coop/run setups? how does it work for you? Do you wish they were combined or do you find it easy to manage?
I have 2 flocks. It all started several years ago when a bought a straight run of 20 ameraucana chicks from a breeder. I knew I was going to end up with too many cockerels, so we built a coop and run in a yard away from the main chicken yard. I got 11 cockerels that were moved there. I was able to rehomed all but 2 that were moved to the main yard.
I decided to buy some chicks and keep them in the "cockerels' yard" since the whole set up was very good. So ever since then, I have kept 2 flocks.
Once in a while I think about integrating the 2 flocks but then I don't want to keep the "cockerel's yard" empty, it would be such a waste. I don't think it adds to the regular work of cleaning and keeping it up, and it has come very handy every now and then when I have to move hens around. This year, I ended up with 2 cockerels from my chick order (I ordered a male bantam). They started to fight so I moved the bantam to the smaller yard and everything worked fine. Now I have peace in both flocks.
I have a set up with 2 coops & 2 separate runs - but they can also share a big run. I use it for integrating new birds. Maintaining 2 coops, 2 sets of multiple feeders & waters gets old fast. Especially in the cold & snow. Generally I introduce new birds in the spring & they are all together in a month or 2. & that leaves me with a coop & run open in case I have sick birds or mean girls or something.

I don't have it in me to maintain 2 completely different set ups.
I have a set up with 2 coops & 2 separate runs - but they can also share a big run. I use it for integrating new birds. Maintaining 2 coops, 2 sets of multiple feeders & waters gets old fast. Especially in the cold & snow. Generally I introduce new birds in the spring & they are all together in a month or 2. & that leaves me with a coop & run open in case I have sick birds or mean girls or something.

I don't have it in me to maintain 2 completely different set ups.
that's the part that's turning me off about it. One larger one seems easier to maintain than two smaller.
I have 14 chickens, 4 ducks, and what I recently found out, 2 geese. My pekins have grown small basal knobs!😔
Dear husband and I commissioned a large backyard shed which has a dedicated chicken coop in the far side. It’s about 4’x 12’ with 10’ ceiling. The girls use a small ladder to get in and out as the shed was installed on a slope. They use the space under the far part of the shed as deep dark cool shelter when it’s hot.
I had a 6x4 duck house built whereas I can spray out the nightly deposit of poo. We set that house up on the pavers under our deck, as ducks require more care/daily cleaning. Read: duck house near water spigot!
I have a plastic lattice divider in there to separate the older geese from the ducks.
They have not integrated and I’m at a loss of what to do when they start laying eggs. I never meant to get geese! They were in the pekin straight run bin at local feed store! 🙄
Always always build a bigger chicken house than you need! 😆 chicken math is a real problem!!
Hindsight 20x20 as they say 😂
Coincidentally, 20' x 20' would be a good starter size chicken house.

As far as original topic about different flocks, it does make some things easier. I usually keep each breed separate as it's own flock. Along with a mixed bachelor flock with no line of sight to females. When actively showing I would also keep breeder and show flocks separate for health reasons. Obviously that style of management requires a lot more investment in facilities, both time, labor and money.

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