Are human-quail bonds possible


Apr 28, 2021

I have a ~4 week old quail that I've raised from an egg and was the only survivor of its clutch, being raised inside my home. When it's old enough it will go outside, but in the meantime lives inside a bunny hutch in my spare room.

I was wondering, how likely is it that quail have the capacity to bond? I've heard chickens and ducks do, and I feel that I have with Peeps.

When I go to clean his/her cage, I let it out to wander and explore. Then I pick him/her up and cuddle for a few minutes. I feel that he's content because he doesn't squirm or try to get away, and makes a soft cooing/trilling noise. Does anyone else think this may be contentment? Are they capable of bonding like that? My other quail outside I bought at 6 weeks old and they are very skittish. I've been handling this guy since day one and making a point to interact positively and slowly.

Sorry for the long (and possibly sappy) post, I was just wondering if I'm imagining the bird-human connection or if it's real and I can do the same with my more recent clutch of five who are about 7 days old now.

Quail are social, so if he's been alone, it's possible. They are not as domesticated as chickens or ducks, though, so bonding with a human is not as likely. If you can, you should get your quail some companions. What gender and how many depends on what kind of quail. If yours is a coturnix quail, you can get away with one more if they're the same gender. Otherwise you want one male to about five females.

Can you post a picture of your bird?
Quail are social, so if he's been alone, it's possible. They are not as domesticated as chickens or ducks, though, so bonding with a human is not as likely. If you can, you should get your quail some companions. What gender and how many depends on what kind of quail. If yours is a coturnix quail, you can get away with one more if they're the same gender. Otherwise you want one male to about five females.

Can you post a picture of your bird?
I figured. And right now it's too big for the little hatchlings and too young to go outside with my other 9 month old quail. Outside I have Jumbo coturnix, the hatchlings are supposedly blue fawn coturnix and I believe my 4 week old is a jumbo pearl from the mix of eggs I bought. But I have the new babies right above this one in there smaller brooder.

Should I bring inside one of my adults and Co house them? I just don't think they'd have enough room. I bought a double decker bunny hutch for this purpose.
I figured. And right now it's too big for the little hatchlings and too young to go outside with my other 9 month old quail. Outside I have Jumbo coturnix, the hatchlings are supposedly blue fawn coturnix and I believe my 4 week old is a jumbo pearl from the mix of eggs I bought. But I have the new babies right above this one in there smaller brooder.

Should I bring inside one of my adults and Co house them? I just don't think they'd have enough room. I bought a double decker bunny hutch for this purpose.


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That one looks like it might be feather sexable by facial markings, but since the head isn't completely feathered, you can't tell yet.

I would see if you can bring one of your older birds in to keep it company. You may have to try a few different ones until you get one that doesn't try to bully the chick.

I have a lone chick right now too. It took five tries to find one that got along with him, and he actually turned out to be another male.

I have a ~4 week old quail that I've raised from an egg and was the only survivor of its clutch, being raised inside my home. When it's old enough it will go outside, but in the meantime lives inside a bunny hutch in my spare room.

I was wondering, how likely is it that quail have the capacity to bond? I've heard chickens and ducks do, and I feel that I have with Peeps.

When I go to clean his/her cage, I let it out to wander and explore. Then I pick him/her up and cuddle for a few minutes. I feel that he's content because he doesn't squirm or try to get away, and makes a soft cooing/trilling noise. Does anyone else think this may be contentment? Are they capable of bonding like that? My other quail outside I bought at 6 weeks old and they are very skittish. I've been handling this guy since day one and making a point to interact positively and slowly.

Sorry for the long (and possibly sappy) post, I was just wondering if I'm imagining the bird-human connection or if it's real and I can do the same with my more recent clutch of five who are about 7 days old now.

My answer is yes, it is possible to have a human-quail bond, but it is hard to do. Nabiki is the expert though so listen to her.
My answer is yes, it is possible to have a human-quail bond, but it is hard to do. Nabiki is the expert though so listen to her.
He/she definitely reacts with some sort of excitement when I go to visit and likes being held. I do want it to live with the others, but being in NY, the weather will turn by the time it's old enough. I just don't want it to have trouble cohabiting with others. It makes me feel special when he/she likes to interact ☺️

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