Broody hen keeps spilling her water, is this normal


12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Bloomingdale, MI
I have been taking out wet shavings and replacing them. She doesn't peck at me but does growl a little. I just say to her "Hey, hey there Buffy, now if you don't want me messing around, stop spilling your water." Of course she still spills it. I was wondering since it is day 17 and she started at about day 14. could she be trying to get the humidity up in them or something like that? She is in a dog crate and does not have access to the outside. But I make sure her water is fresh and full twice a day.

What do you think?
She is in a large size dog crate with shavings and hay. She moves her eggs all around the crate, and adjusts the shavings and hay accordingly. The water and food are in the front corners. And when she spills the water, the dish is not tipped over. I am wondering if she is sitting in the water or something. Because the dish never moves, the dish is just empty and all around the dish is wet. So I remove those shavings and put in fresh. Today she did not spill her water at all. Sooo... who knows what she is doing.
If you make a nest box for her to use at one end, she may keep the eggs more in one spot, and spill less water. When she turns the eggs, they may roll less if in a more confined space.

Then leave her feed and water at the other end of the crate.

Good luck!
First of all, Thanks to all who replied. gives me somthing to think about.

That is pretty much what I did, I moved her original nest into the crate. She took it from there. tomorrow is supposed to be hatch day, so I will see what is happens tomorrow.

Well, then... maybe she is just a 'messy bessy', as my mama used to say!

Good luck and let us know all about the babies!


p.s. I really love the pics on your page! Your dog is a beauty!
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