Broody Hen with Water Belly

Five of the chicks hatched in the night! They're the fluffiest little guys and so healthy. There's one BO, three orpington x australorp, and one andalusion x orpington.

One still hasn't pipped and I can't see any movement. Here's to hoping it hatches soon!

Mom is doing great, though her crop is still massive.

I will send some pics later. :)
So, the egg still hasn't hatched and mom isn't sitting on it anymore since she's busy with the other chicks.

I brought it inside and candled it. I can see the chick just barely, but can't see any movement at all. No sounds either.

I don't want to give up on it just yet, but I'm scared that even if the chick is alive it will get shrinkwrapped. Any advice?
Update: after candling again I concluded the chick was definitely dead. I opened it up to see if I could figure out how far along it was.

It had pipped internally but hadn't fully absorbed the yolk.

Update: after candling again I concluded the chick was definitely dead. I opened it up to see if I could figure out how far along it was.

It had pipped internally but hadn't fully absorbed the yolk.

Sadly, they don't all always make it. That's nature's way to select the fittest.

Enjoy the healthy ones that hatched! 🐣🐥🐣🐥🐥

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