bwaahaahaa He is coming home and I gave away his room


15 Years
Nov 6, 2008
N.E. Florida
To the chickens. My oldest son went to Kosovo, got hurt, got sent to Germany to recouperate, and sent an IM this a.m. he is coming home on the 14th.
I sortove took all the furniture out of his room, got rid of it, turned it into a classroom fully decked out. Put a brooder in here with chicks and have things ready, to set up an incubator. Ummm I didn't tell him. Oops
. He can sleep with his brother in his bunk bed (all almost 7 ft of him, lol). "Is your fiance coming too"? "No, she has to get the animals squared away and close up her practice." Now, you know I gave that boy a rule to follow, same as my brother, one over and one back. So technically he IS following the rule. She is just coming later lol. I feel bad. I have missed him so terribly but.......

I don't want to give up my room I made
and the chicks like it in here.

See they always come home don't Well they are welcome, shame they may move to Orlando. Road trip I guess.
Man..I'd give up my room for anyone who served for us. My own kid? I'd bow down to him and redecorate his room. Chickens to the BARN! But that's just me. My 22 yr old has moved 40 minutes away. I can't imagine what moms go through when their babies are overseas.
Mom's loose their minds, redecorate the house, buy chicks, build things, hang on the computer all night waiting for some word. He was/is a private contractor for the DOD. My brother is in Kuwait right now. You learn to go with out sleep. Find things to occupy your time when others are sleeping, like working on paperwork, or coddling chicks, or painting or landscape planning, and wishing the whole time they were here to help( because that means they would be at home). I think he is coming home for an interview in Orlando and she will be over shortly and start a practice there as well. With 5 bedrooms, he has a place to sleep lol. I think his younger sibs. would rather he sleep close to them. But never fear, mom has plenty of beds.

My Dh and I both served as have almost all of our relatives.

This was a post in jest, as yes I did redo his room (like many parents do when the kids leave the nest), but he had already planned on having his own place when he came home, p.s. he is 29 yrs old. lol
Who knows, he may enjoy the sound of their little warbles as well.
Oh he will definitely be getting the royal treatment when he gets home. Mum has already made a shopping list, orange marmalade at the top. Then starbucks. Then some homemade scones. and whatever else his little old heart desires. He had just better never do this to me again (leave)

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