Chicken having trouble walking. Uses her wings for balance.


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 16, 2007
I have a 4 year old, Black Star hen that is having trouble walkingShe's in average weight, is eating well and her droppings are normal. She can stand up OK but her tail is tucked under her. When she tries to walk, she takes a few wobbly steps and puts her wings down to help. She looks like her balance is off. One of her feet has a funny toe that's a bit twisted. Looks like it may have been broken. Sometimes she stands with her toes curled and I have to straighten them and sometimes she can straighten them herself. Her appetite is good. She eats a 16% protein layer crumbles and an assortment of other veggies etc. She eats and drinks as normal. I tend to hand feed her but she can get to the food by herself. If anyone has any idea as to what this may be, I would really appreciate it.
P.S. She had been in a coop with 5 other chickens so she wasn't stepped on or anything like that. It seemed to come on very gradually with her droopy tail being the first indication.
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I am going to move this to the appropriate forum, Emergencies/Diseases and Cures. Read the first thread that says "read here first" and answer what you can so we can better help you. Thanks!
something like this would be hard to diagnose (worst case scenario an oncogenic virus /carcinoma)... basic support measures such as a quiet place so she does not get stressed and you can observe her for further symptoms and a good vitamin/nutritional supplement (I highly recommend the Avia Charge 2000 available from McMurry or Strombergs as it is a complete supplement formulated for poultry)... you can also give POLYVISOL with that >three or drops drops in beak for a week then taper off. Many times at that age the vitamin therapy will do a world of good... however carcinoma is also quite common in chickens (but thankfully usually very slow growing)...
Thanks for the advice. I will order the vitamin supplement and give that to her. Other than walking she does great. Her appetite is good, she eats the grass and clover when she's outside and I even saw her taking a dirt bath over the weekend. An acquaintence thought that it could be paratyphoid. He said there was some medication for it but after poking around online her symptoms don't seem to match. Thanks again. We'll see what happens.

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