Sorry for the confusing drama. He killed our chickens in January. But yesterday last day of May he was running loose again. Twice. It was dumb luck we saw him both times while running towards our coop/run. We are not normally out there. The second time tonight we found at the coop just minutes after we closed the coop door and run door since the free ranged this evening going for the remaining/survived chickens when we somehow spotted him.
Sorry for the confusing drama. He killed our chickens in January. But yesterday last day of May he was running loose again. Twice. It was dumb luck we saw him both times while running towards our coop/run. We are not normally out there. The second time tonight we found at the coop just minutes after we closed the coop door and run door since the free ranged this evening going for the remaining/survived chickens when we somehow spotted him.
Sorry you're going thru this! Glad to hear it didn't kill any the 2nd time.
Sorry you're going thru this! Glad to hear it didn't kill any the 2nd time.
It's a predicament, this happy friendly dog and no rules where we live regarding containing dogs-, -- Just a handful of residents out here and a couple dogs. They all run away at one time or another (no fences here beyond barbed wire survive winters here) but this one kills chickens. And he's good dog beyond that. UGG!!
It's a predicament, this happy friendly dog and no rules where we live regarding containing dogs-, -- Just a handful of residents out here and a couple dogs. They all run away at one time or another (no fences here beyond barbed wire survive winters here) but this one kills chickens. And he's good dog beyond that. UGG!!
Can you call the dogs owner or do you not have their number when it shows up?
Can you call the dogs owner or do you not have their number when it shows up?
No need to call, next door neighbor. A lot of contact, long time great neighbor, but he has a new roommate who owns the dog. She wants us to work with training her dog no to kill chickens. My thoughts are I'll help her with basic obedience so the dog doesnt run while she's trying to take his yard chain on and off. I'm not keen on using my chickens to train him, she'll have to get her own incase he kills one. BUMMER I'm afraid to free range them again. We only have a 3 month summer here.
I'm so sorry your lost your babies! I lost 7 of flock of 12 this January, Good neighbor of 10 years took in a roommate with a dog. They've been great about putting him on a chain but he was loose twice today and bee lined towards our coop with our 5 remaining chickens. 2nd time was just after dark and we literally had just shut the coop door and chicken run door 5 minutes before.

It was horrible, our chickens are our pets and they all had names. When checked out the window and saw hens on the ground I tried to run out, not so different I fell HARD, both knees and one elbow swollen and painful for a week and the bad knee was dripping blood, I feel so bad for your husband and his broken rib! I was too late, the attack. Our favorite freindly hen Rebecca was on her back with the other dead and dying ones but her little legs were still trying to kick.

Not sure of our next steps. Dog owner wants to train her dog with me. We're too far out of town for a feud or calling authorities, we rely on eachother in the long harsh winters. Heck no on using my chickens but thought I could help with basic obedience to her dog doesn't run away while she's trying to get his chain on and off.

I'm so glad your neighbor responded well. We'll see when I finally talk to the old neighbor and his new roommate.
I'm sorry that happened to you. The neighbor did pay me the 407.00 but it sure doesn't bring my babies back. My one who was hurt the worst is ok now and my rooster is good too. I lost 4 total. My husband is still sore but healing.

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