Don't know what's wrong with my pullet


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 14, 2007
Golden Valley, AZ
Went to check on our chickens last night to see if they all put themselves to bed, and found one of our two 12 week old pullets alone hunched in the dirt. Usually these two girls are inseperable, so I went over to her to check her out. She was very listless, and when I picked her up and set her down, she went straight down and fell over. I tried standing her up again, but she was very wobbly and lay down again shortly after. She even had trouble uncurling her toes. Obviously she would not have been able to fly or jump the the roost with her buddy. I examined her, but found nothing obviously wrong. I put her in the tractor by herself with some water. She tried to jump up to the roost but kept falling off. It was heartbreaking! I set her on an elavated cal litter cover, and she settled down for the night. She is slightly better this morning, she is walking and eating. Not running yet, she is still not real steady, When it started raining this AM, I put both her and her pal in the tractor so that the big girls won't pick on her. I thought perhaps it could be an insect bithe? Although I saw no signs or bite marks. Could it be a nutrition problem? I have been out of feed for a week and a half and have been mixing some bird feed, oatmeal, and sometimes meat or eggs for protien. They always get fresh greens, and treats from us, plus they free range in our yard. (Though there might not be much for them to forage for anymore, the yard is only 20' X 50'). Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'll be going into town Wednesday or Thursday for the proper feed.
It sounds like maybe she was out of it a bit, perhaps from a fall from the roost.
I don't think it is nutritional, it sounds like they are probably getting what they need.
See how she does. If she is improving, maybe it is just a head bonk or something that will clear up quick.
Perhaps you are right. I just went back out and she seems to be favoring one leg. They have only recently joined the big girls in the coop and there has been lots of pecking and shrieking. I think I need to build another roost!
need to keep them on a normal ration...(I imagine you meant bird seed when you said bird food ...this is not really nutricious... ) ...those older girls in the group may have been bullying the two new ones and keeping them from even that ... (I have seen my birds do this)... if you have some childrens vitamins (POLYVISOL) you can give three drops into beak and then taper off... it can hurt and will often do a world of good... also whenever you find a bird in obvious distress/seemingly shock like this you should give electrolytes in the a pinch gatorade will do.
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