Getting Different Breeds at the Same Time


12 Years
May 7, 2007
Northern California
We are going to get chicks this week, and I'm thinking 6 at the most although we should probably only get 4. So my question is, would it be a bad idea to get two of one breed (probably Rhode Island Red) and one each of other breeds (Ameracauna and Orpington)? Do the ones that have a majority gang up on the others?

Also, does anyone have an opinion on which of those breeds would be best? We want these chickens for eggs (just for friends and family) and as pets -- sort of. At the very least we want them to be docile...
I currently have many breeds, some I have pairs of, but most I have singles. They all get along just fine, but the same breeds do seem to hang together. RIR are a great friendly breed, and great layers. I have Americaunas, and they are great layers, but a little on the skittish side, and I have no Ideas about Orphingtons, as I dont have any. But I have heard they make up for thier lack of laying in Friendliness.
Its just fine to mix breeds! Most of us on here have a mixed flock. The only time mixing can really become a problem is i you have a large number of birds in a small space. Under those stressful conditions the birds may gang up on the different looking one (i.e. a flock of 100 white leg horns mixed with one black polish). For small flocks this should not be a problem.
I have all 3 breeds you mentioned. My Buffs and Ameracaunas are only 8 weeks old now, but they are in the same coop with my one year old RIR. They all get along just fine. My RIR are GREAT layers of large brown eggs. The others are not laying yet, but all are friendly, and will follow me all over the yard. Good luck with your chickens, and trust me....4 will never do...I started saying...I only want 6 or flock is now OVER 40!
One Ameracauna/RIR mix is broody on 11 eggs, and my Frizzle hens are setting 20+. Babies anyone!?? LOL
Your scareing me, I have 4 and I swear I only want 4... maybe 5
I agree. 3 was the limit for us, but now we have 11. The only thing I have two of is the Ameracauna's. All others are single, different breeds. Everyone gets along fine even the single bantam with all standard size hens.

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