how many chickens can I have?


12 Years
Mar 9, 2007
North East Texas
my chicken house has 36 square feet of floor space(not counting the 3 large roosting areas) and my outside chicken run has 72 square feet of ground space.
I currently have 6 chickens but would like to have more.
How many do you all think I can have with this space?
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Always room for a couple more!

Seriously, though, I would say 3 more would be good. That would give you 4 square foot per bird.
The more crowded your chickens are, the more likely you might experience problems like picking, pests, etc. Also, it depends a lot on your weather and your birds' daily routine (will they be able to go outside any time they want (day time), will they free-range outside of their fenced area, etc?

For instance, I had 8 chickens in a coop that size and everything was fine. My outdoor run area was 12' by 12' (144 sq. ft) and it became bare ground after about 2 - 3 weeks.

Now, I let them free-range whenever I am here and only use the penned area when I go away. It still becomes bare and I have to move it around every so often.

I'd say if your climate allows them to go outside every day (even in their fenced area), you could get away with 10-12 birds, or maybe a few more. This is especially true if they get to range and if you provide 3 or 4 nest boxes. You're doing the right thing by starting with a smaller number and then adding a few more.

Good luck!
It seems that people tend to go more with 2-3 sq. ft. per bird in areas with mild winters due to the birds being able to spend more time outside than in. I'm in South Texas and will leave mine out from sun up to sun down daily (in a 700+ sq. ft. secure area), probably year round.

Be sure to provide plenty of roost space in the coop if you decide to keep more birds as this is where the majority of them will likely stay while indoors. You'll also have to be very diligent about cleaning the coop and keeping the food and water fresh and clean.
you can have 12 hens in 36sq feet of henhouse.if your birds are going tobe out 10 or so hrs a day.
Yeah, I live in Texas so our winters are mild. I already have 3 large roostsand each spans from one side of the coop to the other, I have 4 nests box now(i was thinking ahead)
And the birds will be able to be out(in the chicken run) from sun up to sun down daily.

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