Need some Advice


In the Brooder
May 8, 2024
We've had horrible rain the past few days, and I have just gotten home for the night to see someone has spread bedding out in my chicken run to try and soak up the mud. While I appreciate the gesture, I am worried because the bedding was already wet of the rain, and rain we had days/weeks beforehand. I had not gotten around to tossing it yet. But it was used in my run at some point while I was at work. Should it be okay since it's outside? It doesn't seem molded, and doesn't smell. Or should I remove it in the morning?
What type of bedding? How do you normally handle rain that it's out of the norm to have bedding/litter spread around in the run?
Usually it's nowhere near as bad as it has been and dries up within a few hours to a day so I don't worry about it.
It's wood shavings you can get at TSC.
Shouldn't be a problem that it's wet, but if mud is an issue it's also not really a long term solution. In that case then drainage needs to be addressed, and a more effective form of mud controlling litter such as deep litter with a wood chips base would be something you'd want to consider.
Shouldn't be a problem that it's wet, but if mud is an issue it's also not really a long term solution. In that case then drainage needs to be addressed, and a more effective form of mud controlling litter such as deep litter with a wood chips base would be something you'd want to consider.
Okay! Thank you so much! I was just worried because it had gotten wet before it was spread.

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