new member from australia

Actually there are a bunch of you aussies cluttering up the place, and I believe some NZ too. Hope you all find each other soon!

We'd love to see pics of your coop setup and your birds - are they mostly the same breeds of our British members, or diff yet again. I love the black Australorp more than just about anyone. Our Mortimer, a 'Lorp, is a fabulous layer, and so beautiful in the sunshine.

One question, just because I'm a total masochist here in the frozen north - whats the temp outside at your place right now? Celsius is okay; we're not as ignorant as you think.

And welcome!
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thanx for the welcome. its about 37 celsius which is why i am inside with the aircon rather than outside with a cold beer, tho i am having a barbie later on.they are probably different breeds i guess. i'll take a photo of the coop later and post it.
cheers. i think mine are mostly, as you say mutt birds altho i think a few are bantams. i had this old chicken run in back paddock and i just asked some mates for some chooks and now i am obsessed, specially as they have been sitting on and off for the last couple of months.
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