Pet hen died last nite.


12 Years
Jul 25, 2007
My pet hen had been listless off and on the past month or so. Each time I would separate her from the rest and baby her and she would come around. Yesterday she didn't come out of the coop and I found her almost laying on her side. Once again I brought her inside but she wouldn't drink or eat. I wish I had known something to try to save her. Are there any suggestions should this happen to any of my other pet chickens?
im sorry foe ur loss,i dont know what heave killed her
I'm sorry you lost your girl. Do you have any of her poop? You could take it in to see if she had a parasite. Or, check with your state to see if they do necropsies.
Im so sorry about your loss. I have a little one, I think we might lose as well. Its about 8 weeks old, and half the size of its littermates. so very tiny, and golden...I named her Gold Nugget. She is listless...and seems cold all the time. When I bring her inside, put her in the brooder for a few hours...she perks up, and peeps her brains out untill I take her back out with the others...then after a few hours, she is listless all over again. UGH. So frustrateing...I dont know what to do with her.
I am very sorry. I lost my cochin rooster today too. Found some feathers at the edge of the woods and haven't seen him since. He wasn't a pet but I did want to keep him.

I'm sorry for your losses.
At least a pile of feathers you know something got them, but just laying around could be any number or things...
It could be anaemia, eggbound, parasites, impacted crop...
Diver for me was the same way. Some animals are meant to be let go no matter how much you love them.


PS Justusnak try putting her somewhere warmer, maybe a cardboard box with a lightbulb to keep her warm. Is your bird at least eating? I had to forcefeed Diver the whole time.
Diver for me was the same way. Some animals are meant to be let go no matter how much you love them.


PS Justusnak try putting her somewhere warmer, maybe a cardboard box with a lightbulb to keep her warm. Is your bird at least eating? I had to forcefeed Diver the whole time.

Um... take another look at the title.

Sorry for your loss.

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