

May 9, 2024
How long can an ex-battery hen live with a prolapse?
My hen has been four days now. I have tried haemorrhoid cream and Vaseline plus bathing in warm water and attempting to gently ease prolapse back but to no avail.

I have kept her separate for the past three days but have now allowed her run of the whole pen. So far, after 5 hours , the other hens have not tried to bully her or peck at her rear.
Will it be safe to allow her to continue being with the others and can I leave her in the coop overnight with them?

I would be grateful for any suggestions .
I believe she should be given a chance to enjoy some free-roaming after being a battery hen.
I could not countenance ‘ putting her out of her misery’ as she seems quite perky despite the protrusion.
Thank you.

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