Repetitive problem


Feb 19, 2022
This will be the 3rd hen in about a 6-7 month span that have all taken the same path. All have been close to laying age ~18-22 weeks. They start with a straight/stretched out leg and limp around, but acting normal other than that. That progresses to them not using the leg at all, but still hobbling around, eating and drinking ok from what I can tell. Then they become next to immobile completely…I treated the last 2 with B complex with their own food and water, but neither of those two made it.
I just noticed another youngster straightening her leg out just like the last 2.

Nutrient difficiency?

**Knock on wood** none of my adult layers have done this
Only younger, non laying hens
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It does sound like possible Mareks, except that Mareks usually shows symptoms in the first 6-8 months of age. What diet are your chickens on? Could you try and get a necropsy through your state vet if you lose another chicken? That is the best way to get a diagnosis. Here is a list of state vet labs to contact:
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Until just recently, I was feeding starter/grower with oyster shell supplement. Since all mine are laying (the youngest 3 should lay anytime now), I just swapped back to a later feed.

Scratch thrown to them a couple times throughout the week…I let them free range 1-2 times a week as well
If it is Mareks, is there anything I need to do? For the future? Anything I could’ve done differently to prevent it? All of my chickens have come from an Atwood’s or a tractor supply.
Also, I went back and counted, this girl is 21 weeks old. I was off on her age. I would add video but I don’t know how…she is currently drinking, but has a limp just like the other 2 started off like. It kind of stiffens straight out in front of her too.
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There isn’t anything that will treat Mareks that has been proven to work. There is discussion about using St.John’s Wort, but vaccines can help new chicks to not develop the paralysis. They need to be kept away from the feather dander of your flock to develop immunity for at least 2 weeks. I really would try to get a necropsy and testing to confirm it. You can upload a video to YouTube with a link posted here and made public.
There isn’t anything that will treat Mareks that has been proven to work. There is discussion about using St.John’s Wort, but vaccines can help new chicks to not develop the paralysis. They need to be kept away from the feather dander of your flock to develop immunity for at least 2 weeks. I really would try to get a necropsy and testing to confirm it. You can upload a video to YouTube with a link posted here and made public.
I understand if that’s what it is, then that’s what it is..not sure I’ll go through the process of getting a necropsy if it’s only to tell me “yes, it’s Mareks”. Either way it doesn’t sound like it would change what I do outside of making sure new chicks come here vaccinated . I’m just hoping all my layers don’t get it as well…and when the time comes to add new chicks, I have always brooded them out in my shop separate from the rest of them…do box stores get vaccinated chicks from hatchery’s? Or will I need to vaccinate all new additions to my flock when I bring them home?

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